Hurted brothers

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When the lights went off a hand clasped on Vanessa's mouth making her eyes widen and she started panicking. The person who did that started dragging her with them careful of not touching with any guest and alert them of something wrong happening. Vanessa tried to thrash around and her eyes immediately started searching for her husbands.

She was not able to look anything in dark but inside she was praying for her husbands to come and save her from the person. After some futile tries she noticed that they were in some dark place more like a hallway. The person stopped and turned her around but didn't move there hand away from her mouth. When Vanessa saw that person a frown etched upon her face. The person removed their hand from her mouth.

"B-b-bhai?" she asked confusingly seeing Liam in front of her. Liam ran his hand across his hair pushing them back from his forehead.

"We need to leave from here princess." Liam said hurriedly to her but she shook her head in denial immediately.

"I-I-I told you I'm not going anywhere and y-you said its o-okay you are okay with it." she said with her quivering lips because she was scared when he dragged her like some kidnapper but he had to do that or she would have screamed gaining everyone's attention.

"You have to come with me princess. You are in this situation because of me and it's my responsibility to save you from here." Liam said in his hushed voice.

"B-b-but I told you they are g-good to me." she said making Liam to hiss at her stubbornness because she was thinking from her fear instead of her mind.

"Please princess, it's my responsibility to take you to papa. He is waiting for us. He is very upset with me since that incident and I want to prove him that I love you too as much as he loves you." Liam said to her in his pleading voice putting her in dilemma because she wanted both of them to share a good relation.

"I-I-I'm ready to go with you b-bhai." Vanessa said without thinking twice making Liam to smile at her and hug her tightly. He pecked her forehead and held her hand in his securely running down the hallway.

On the other hand, the whole security team of the brothers were ready to hunt the Gorbachev family down. The brothers already knew that this will come and they were ready with their plans. As soon as the lights went off the security team started searching for the family while the brothers' focus was on their little wife.

While the brothers' were in the constant searching for her Joaquin felt an odd type of tightness in his chest when she was not in front of his eyes. He is used to see her in front of him almost everytime which made him to feel empty from inside already.
The more hollow he was feeling from inside the more his pace was increasing. He was ready to tear every person apart who will try to take their wife away from them while from outside he was looking so calm like he didn't even care.

Liam and Vanessa was about to get out of the hallway but they heard some footsteps and immediately stood straight by the hall but her gown was to big to let her hide but the darkness helped her to hide in the corner. Some of the men searching for them marched past away from there making Liam to sigh in relief.

He again held her small hand in his and started running towards the exit. The venue was so huge and spacious that it had many exits making the security team to get confused on which exit they should keep their eyes  on but Mikhail was wicked enough that he didn't choose any exit to leave the hall the restroom because it would be less suspicious and the restroom had one gate which was leading out of the venue to a dark alleyway.

He himself personally wanted to bring her with him but Liam insisted to help him because just because of his impulsive decisions she was in the situation that day and today too. So Mikhail, Rooh and Cristina decided to wait for them in the car parked in the alleyway. Rooh was constantly praying in her mind for her kids well being but she didn't like the way they were sneaking her out of the party from her own husbands.

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