Her favourite one

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"Los multimillonarios hermanos Fernández fueron vistos con su esposa en un parque local".
(The billionaire Fernandez brothers were spotted with their wife at a local park.)

"¿Por qué la visitaron en un parque público normal siendo multimillonarios?"
(Why they visited with her in a normal public park being billionaires?)

"No había seguridad para protegerlos, ¿no están conscientes de la seguridad de su esposa?"
(There was no security to protect them, are they not conscious about their wife's safety?)

"¿Por qué no anunciaron su boda incluso después de un mes?"
(Why didn't they announce their wedding even after a month?)

"¿Están ocultando algo o se casaron a la fuerza con ella?"
(Are they hiding something or they forcefully married to her?)

"Estando siempre en el centro de atención, ¿por qué no nos presentaron a su esposa?"
(Always being in the limelight why they didn't introduce their wife to us?)

"¿Están avergonzados de ella o hay otras razones por las que se esconden de nosotros?"
(Are they ashamed of her or there is some other reasons they are hiding from us?)

"¿Por qué se casaron con ella de repente sin siquiera cancelar el compromiso con sus prometidos?"
(Why did they marry her suddenly without even calling off their engagement with their fiances?)

"¿Por qué los tres se casaron con la misma chica?"
(Why did the three of them married the same girl?)

"Los hermanos Fernández guardan silencio sobre este tema y no dan ninguna declaración por su parte. ¿Es algún tema delicado para ellos?"
(The Fernandez brothers are silent on this topic and no statement are given by them. Is it some sensitive topic for them?)

Alejandro turned the TV off and balled his fists knowing the media captured them and Vanessa when they were in the park yesterday. There pictures were on display on every news channel and now people are also curious and manipulated by the questions of media reporters. They are the celebrities figure of the country and stays in limelight but them not introducing their wife to the country left people perplexed.

"Samantha!" Alejandro yelled and soon a lady in her early thirties came running inside the office. She stood in front of the brothers and by Alejandro's angry voice she understood that she was called for a good scolding.

"¡¡Nuestras fotos están circulando por todos los canales y no tomaste ninguna medida hasta ahora!! ¿Es esto por lo que te estamos pagando?" Alejandro yelled angrily at her making the poor lady to tremble like a leaf.
(Translation: Our pictures are circulating all over the channels and you didn't take any actions till now!! Is this for what we are paying you?!)

"Señor, intentamos detener a los medios, pero su matrimonio repentino con alguien que no sea su prometido es un tema muy delicado y es difícil controlar la propagación de rumores." the poor woman sad professionally because one mistake and she will be as dead as meat.
(Translation: Sir we tried to stop the media but your sudden marriage with someone else other than your fiances is such a sensitive topic and it hard to control the rumors from spreading out.)

"¡¡No nos importa lo que hiciste o no!! Le pagan lo suficiente por esto y queremos que lo maneje de acuerdo con usted." he again yelled at her making her flinch while the employees out there were praying for the poor woman's dear life.
(Translation: We don't care what you did or not!! You are getting paid enough for this and we want you to handle it according to you.)

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