Chapter 20: When Duty Calls (And Not Your Friends)

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A short chapter, but it was that or stressing out over it for forever, which has been the thing holding the story back from being written so I just forced myself to write it. I'm hoping to keep this story running at a weekly pace, that way it isn't so jarring when a new chapter comes out haha

Hope you all enjoy!

Jisung stands waiting outside. It's a bit nippy in his little gown. He was still confused about why he had to wear one at all. It was the same kind that students wear, but he was just getting an award. It was simple, and he wouldn't have gone at all, but the idea of having you there for something so important, it made him want to go. The two of you haven't been seeing each other lately, and he really missed you. This whole thing was kind of cheesy, and he could feel his anxiety building more and more as he watched people file in for their families. He was the only hybrid who would be getting an award today, in fact he was the only one in the entire department, and the way people would glance at him dismissively as they went in made him duck his head.

He glanced down at his phone again, waiting for you to text him back. He really hopes you haven't slept in late...


You were quick to get dressed, the sun barely peeking out in the sky as both you and Chan got in the car. Both of you are silent, the intense fear building up within both of you.

The short drive felt like it both took seconds and years. Every minute was one where Minho could breathe his last. The fear was nauseating. Minho was depending on the two of you to survive.

"You think the boys will be ok by themselves?" Chan asks.

All of the alarm bells start going off in your head, you hadn't even told them! You reach into your pocket to get your phone, only to realize it wasn't there. "I hope they'll be ok. Do you think we can send someone to check on them? Tell them why the two of us are suddenly gone?"

"Yeah, I'm sure we can."

And the rest of the drive is spent in silence.


Jisung stands outside of the building, everyone else is inside now. But... You said you would have come. He's called a few times, even though there's a nasty feeling that's made it's home inside of his chest.

Five more minutes pass, and the ceremony is going to start soon. You were- You were supposed to be there for him! He feels his eyes begin to fill with angry tears. Instantly his hand seeks out the keychain you made for him that rests on his hip. He grips it tightly, the beads and glue crunching cruelly under his hands. He unclips it. Staring at the drawing of you and him holding hands under the treehouse. Clearly a child had made it. He had kept it for so many years. He doesn't care how much of his stuff got lost or stolen as long as he had this.

His first true friend, his first family member. His everything.

And now what were the two of you? Nothing.

He throws the keychain in his rage, it lands with a jingle in the parking lot. He turns around, ready to head inside. But he feels his heart burst in sorrow. He bites his lip, frozen.

He quickly walks to the dirty keychain made of fabric, barely holding together. Beads slightly scratched now, and picks it up. The idea of it sitting in the parking lot to be run over, stepped on, rained on... It hurt too much. But he doesn't put it back on his hip, instead putting it in his pocket. Fingers running over the beads, hoping to sooth down the anxiety and bitter feelings rolling in his chest.

"Hey Jisung, it's about to start, you coming?"

"Yeah, give me a second." He says, kicking away the closest rock, a bitter frown on his face.


You look at the huddled up body on the examination table and can't help the sour feeling sitting in your chest. Minho has been coming here almost as long as the facility has been open. From check ups to the occasional injury. You and Chan had always had your worries about what went on in the purebreds house, but you have never thought it would have ever been this bad. The cat looks pathetic, which for such a stuck up bastard of a hybrid just really goes to show how bad the situation is.

You rub your hands over your face. And sigh. And think about just leaving this for someone else to deal with. But, well.... It has to be somebody. Might as well be you.......

You turn on the lights, Minho had been sleeping for a little, but his vitals were showing he had woken up.

"How are you doing Minho?"

The lump of hybrid barely moves. Stuttered breaths from bruised ribs, cracked bones, and a collapsed lung.

"Never been better." He wheezes.

You pause, worrying your lip.

"Minho... What happened?"


"Please Minho-" You plead with him. "If you tell us we might be able to press charges and-"

"Nothing happened. I want to go back to sleep. Please leave me alone."

"Minho..." You swallow.

"Nothing. Happened." Gets growled out at you.

You sigh. "If you say so." Standing up, you feel like you don't want to move. Taking those few steps are so hard.

"I'm cold." He sounds so sick, so sad.

"I'll go get you a blanket."

It at least gets your feet moving. Finding yourself able to leave now that you know you have a reason to come back. In the closest you grab the same blanket he used earlier in the week. You don't want to say you were rushing back to the room, but it could definitely be called that by an outsider.

You knock once to respect his privacy, and when you don't hear a protest you walk into the room.

"I got the blanket." You say softly. The cat doesn't move at all.

Maybe he had fallen back asleep?

You drape the blanket over him, making sure he's completely covered in the cold and sterile room.

You're adjusting the blanket around his face when he turns his face towards you, sleepy bruised eyes meeting yours. And to your surprise, warm skin meets yours.

You blame the confession on the drugs. Petting the fur behind his ears. A small deep purring rumbling in his chest.

Minho curls up into your hand. "I don't like humans." He says.

"I'm sorry Minho-"

"But you're ok."

You snort inaudibly. "Thanks buddy."

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