17) Maya's protector

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He stared at the door blankly. Had been staring at it for the last ten minutes. Waiting for her to rush into the room apologizing for being late to bring his coffee.
Anger seethed under his skin like bugs, itching to be set free. The desire to spank her until she screamed for mercy was boiling dangerously in the palm of his hands.

'Be a little more late so I'll take it all out on you, you annoying thing!'
He was glaring so hard at the door that one would have assumed it wasn't just a wooden frame fixed there.

A knock suddenly cut through the silence, jogging his body to an upright sitting position. "Come in!" He yelled picking up a pen and pulling the open book closer to himself.
As if timing the exact second the door swung open, Gale rose from his chair, appearing quite natural. But his body stopped midway as his eyes met those of his secretary. "What are you doing here?" He questioned settling back on his chair.

He glared at the cup standing on the silver tray she held. "Why are you bringing it? Where is that girl?"

Biting in her fear, his secretary walked into the office, praying hard to the heavens to grant her more energy in her hands to finish delivering the coffee. "My Lord, apologies for being here." She couldn't understand why she was apologizing for such a silly thing, but she did value the zeros that filled her bank account every month, so what's the big deal losing a little pride?

"I got a call from your house-"

"Who called?" He interjected, his eyes growing sharp all of a sudden.

"One of the maids, a Lisa. She said Ms Maya would not make it today."

A deadly flare filled Gale's eyes as his hands clenched into heavy fists that could smash through a rock. The look was more frightening than his usual angry face, and that made his secretary's insides quiver more than ever. The urge to dump the coffee and bolt out was overwhelming, but such an act would cost her her job and any future employment in any state.

"She can't make it!" Gale's nose flared. "She can't make it!" He scoffed to himself and then suddenly shot to his feet, paying no attention to the shaking female who was just doing her damn job.

Without saying a thing to her, he stomped out of the room and aimed straight for the guards standing close outside. "My Lord!" They chorused, confused by the dense anger shrouding his face.

"Go get her?"

"Who, My Lord?"

"Maya!" He screamed, caring not if anyone around heard his outburst.
Luckily, the floor his office was had only three other occupied offices.
"I don't care if you have to drag her here, just get her damn ass here in ten minutes!" He screamed impatiently.


"What are they doing? Why are the Lord's guards barging into her room?"
Whispers filled the air as they peeped down the hallway from the stairs as the men forced their way into Maya's room.

"She must have done something again. It's been hectic around here since she showed up."

"You're right. Lord Gale seems doubly edgy ever since that girl set foot here."

"Where did she even come from?"

"Who kno-"

"Gossiping much?!" Lisa cut in pushing her way through the small group to dash on the hallway leading to the left wing. She darted them a warning glare before running along the hallway and straight for Maya's room. Just in time to catch the two men picking an unconscious Maya from the floor.

She gasped seeing Maya's half nude form which was only in a red bra and matching panties. "What do you think you're doing?!" She yelled hurrying to grab Maya from one of them. "Are you blind? Can't you see she's naked?"

"Don't get us wrong Lisa. We were told to take her as soon as possible by any means necessary. You know the boss's temper," one argued gently. "I was going to offer her my jacket.

Lisa ignored them and hurried to lay Maya on her bed to cover her up. "Is this why you asked for the keys? How disrespectful of you two. Don't you have sisters or girlfriends to dare and touch her like this?" She continued scolding them bitterly while pulling the duvet from under Maya and draping her cold body.

"Lisa? We really need to take her."

"None of you will touch her!" She shot standing defensively in front of the bed.

The two men exchanged a glance and nodded at each other.
"Forgive me Lisa, but we-" he apologized grabbing her left arm and twisting it to her back before pressing her chest on the bed, "-have to follow orders. She'll be safe, you don't have to wor-"

"Let go of me! Hey! Don't touch her!"

"We're just doing our job," said the other man who was now picking up Maya along with the duvet. "You can have a decent set of clothes delivered at the office. We can't wait that long."

"No wait! She deserves..." The door was banged shut, leaving her still trapped by his partner. "And you, let go right now! I have to pack her some clothes."

"I can't have you causing any more trouble for us Lisa. And you know better than anyone else, defying the boss's orders is more frightening than death."
He leaned down until his chest was flat on her back and whispered in her ear, "Do you wish to lose the father of your future kids?"

Her body went rigid at those words and her mind fell in a dilemma. On one end was her beloved, and on the other hand, was a pitiful girl who she was trying to protect from the claws of the archduke.
"You have to help her, Chris. She's so pitiful. They all treat her like rubbish," Lisa whispered emotionally.

"Shh!" Chris released her arm before turning her around and cupping her face. He saw the tears shining in her eyes. "I know you pity her. You're so compassionate to every living thing and that is one thing I love about you. And don't worry baby, I'll try my best to look out for her. I'm sure the boss won't harm her."

Lisa gazed up. "You should go before they suspect us."

He nodded and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Take care. And please, don't get too involved with that girl. He hates her."

"But why?" She asked innocently.

Wiping away her tears with his thumbs, he answered, "Because she took away the one person he loved dearly in the world. You could say that she brought out of him the devil he is today. So let them be. Let them fight on their own Lisa. Promise me?!"

Lisa hesitated. "How can you ask me to stand and watch as the entire family terrorize her? You should have seen what that old bitch did to her this morning. She humiliated the girl, slapped her, and made her-"

"Lisa? Please, listen to me on this one. Let us not jeopardize our future for a girl we hardly know. Have you forgotten our plans? If I successfully serve him this year, I'll get a promotion and you can quit this dangerous job."

She pushed his hands off her face while glaring at him. "I thought you understood me better than this. What good is the future if I watch quietly as a girl dies right in front of my eyes? Would you give such advice if it were your daughter or sister in her place? I will pick up and nurse her body whenever they break it. I will feed her when they starve her. And when she asks to leave, I'll gladly help her escape this place."
Her declaration sent shivers all over Chris's body.

He expected his girlfriend to help Maya, but not to such an extent.
What could he do? He only wanted to get a promotion for her sake and the sake of their future kids. But if she wanted to help this stranger, then he had to support her as a good partner.

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