V5 C1 - A New Semester

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Author's Note:

Apologies for the late release. As compensation, I will release two chapters today as celebratiom for getting 20,000 cumulative views from this story. Enjoy reading, everyone!


“The man of knowledge must be able not only to love his enemies but also to hate his friends.”
- Friedrich Nietzsche


When I came back to the class after meeting Nagumo and doing some Student Council work, I stumbled upon everyone who was talking to one another, or even doing their own thing since it's still a free period at the moment.

“Shirayuki-chan, I saw you on the stage earlier. Did you cut your hair?” Ibuki asked with a bit of a loud voice, which drew the attention of almost everyone inside the class.

This made me sigh in exasperation and declare in front of everyone.

“Alright fellas, before you say anything that can lead to rumors, no, I haven't gone into a breakup to a relationship that I didn't even enter.” I declared as everyone collected a sigh of relief, to which it made me roll my eyes in annoyance.

“Open class today, Mio-chan?” I asked Ibuki, to which she responded.

“Mhm. There were no lessons today since the assembly happened. And then, one of the teachers said that the afternoon homeroom would take up all of the afternoon periods. It's kind of suspicious.” She commented, which I nodded. I went back to my desk and asked Ryuuen who's sitting behind me.

“Ryuuen-kun, what do you think of Mio’s deduction?” I asked since I'm sure that he's listening intently to what we were talking about earlier.

“Tch, why are you asking me? Well, it's definitely suspicious. Back when I was in middle school, September's usually the time for preparations for the Sports Festival. I don't know what kind of special exam this school will be doing when that event happens here.”

He answered, to which I smiled kindly and I did not respond further as I stood up from my seat and went in front of the lectern.

“Everyone, listen up! Get back in your seats first! We have an open class so we'll have a talk.” I said to everyone, to which the others started going back to their seats.

“I'm glad that you've proven yourselves to be worthy of my leadership from the challenge I've put up to everyone. I commend you all on your efforts.” I said to everyone, which was received positively by everyone.

I went out from in front of the lectern, and as I started approaching Manabe’s table on the front, I started speaking with a cold tone.

“But I am disappointed with some of your individual actions. Isn't that right, Manabe, Yabu, Yamashita, Morofuji?” I said as I looked at the shocked Manabe with coldness.

“What can you say to defend yourself, Manabe? It's the second time your friend group has done this. The first time, I let that one slide since Ichinose from Class B is kind to everyone. But this time, it's a Class D student you've bullied.” I asked, which stunned Manabe.

“W-W-What do y-you mean b-by that, N-Nakaizumi-san?? It's d-definitely t-that Karuizawa’s fault that she pushed Rika!” She said in her defense as I smacked her table loud enough to make her snap out of that defensive fit of hers which made turned her head away from fear.

“W-W-What do y-you mean b-by that, N-Nakaizumi-san?? It's d-definitely t-that Karuizawa’s fault that she pushed Rika!” She said in her defense as I smacked her table loud enough to make her snap out of that defensive fit of hers which made turned ...

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