V6 C1 - The Position's Worth

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“It is the destiny of the weak to be devoured by the strong.”
- Otto von Bismarck

After the midterms were held at the end of October, a general assembly was called upon to all students. Naturally, everyone went to the auditorium to start the month of November with such expectations.

After all, the announcement for the election process will be made public.

“Everyone, thank you all for coming to today's general assembly. May I call upon the outgoing Student Council President Horikita Manabu-san for the in-depth details of today’s assembly.”

The emcee for today's assembly said as Manabu stood up and made his way to the podium from his seat, which is just a seat apart from mine as I'm sitting next to Kiriyama-senpai and Akane-senpai.

He then started talking. “Good morning. As promised, the announcements regarding the election process will be made today.

“The election process will happen during the open school days after the term-end exams. From today until the day a week before the term-end exams, we will accept the candidacy of the presidential candidates whose current private point balance is more than 250,000 points.” he added, which surprised everyone by their decision.

Such limitations would make sense since campaigning for highly-sought positions will be costly in-real life scenarios, but since this is still high school, the students who have lower private points than the required threshold for presidential candidacy reacted negatively, mainly coming from the 1st-Year students, and started chattering to one another.

Manabu then continued “As I said during my first address to everyone during the Club Fair ‘those who have a naive outlook will not be welcomed to the student council’, and if you have not managed your finances early on to this extent, such student would not be able to bear the responsibilities of becoming the President of the Student Council in the first place.”

This addition made everyone stop talking to one another. And to be fair, he's totally got a point on that. Being a Student Council President, in this school specifically, isn't just from the fact that it's a club that plays such a house of cards in such a willy-nilly way.

The Advanced Nurturing High School is a government school that prepares its students to face society early on. Although limited in nature, the essence of responsibilities is still passed on to us students in different forms like the S System, and the Student Council.

After all, if there's one thing that I know that the others do not know about the S System, it's the fact that the Student Council President is only below the school board themselves, and has an equal or sometimes more powerful stance than even the school’s Faculty which involves the teachers and administrative staff of the school.

Manabu then continued explaining “After the term-end exams end, we will announce the candidates for the Student Council President. The candidates themselves may choose their subordinates at this time. The campaign period will start immediately after the announcement of candidates, and will end 10 days later. Following that will be an Electoral Debate, which will be a formal platform for discussions regarding each candidate's platforms for their term.

“After all of that has passed, the day before the Closing Ceremony will be Election Day, in which the electoral process will be explained by the Electoral College Committee members on that day as well. If there are further questions, you may ask your homeroom teacher regarding the elections. Thank you.” Manabu added as everyone started clapping from his speech.

After the assembly, the students were on the way back to their respective classrooms. With that, our friend group had started a short discussion regarding the elections.

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