V6 C2 - Paper Shuffle

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“Always keep your foes confused. If they are never certain who you are or what you want, they cannot know what you are going to do next.”
- George R.R. Martin

After that discussion on Class D, I went back to our classroom. At the same time, Sakagami-sensei also went inside the classroom to start the morning homeroom so all of us went back to our seats as well.

He then asked anyone “Before I would post your midterm examination results, are there any questions regarding the elections? I'll answer questions that can be allowed to answer.” Hearing this, everyone started looking at one another before all of them looked at me expectantly.

I then raised my hand as he responded “Yes, Shirayuki? What's your question?”

“Why does it really require 250,000 private points as a prerequisite towards getting a slot to presidential candidacy?” I asked as I added “I'm sure that the school won't just require that for the sake of showing seriousness towards the electoral process and respect towards the position of the SC President.”

Because of that, Sakagami-sensei smiled and responded “You're right, Shirayuki. The 250,000-point prerequisite is made not just to deter any random student from getting the already-limited presidential candidate slots as it's also the required downpayment for such a slot to be reserved.”

This definitely confirmed my theory about getting my legitimacy over my candidacy.

“Sensei, can I make the payment now?” I asked as Sakagami-sensei responded “Are you sure about running for the Presidential position?”

I nodded as I replied “Yes, Sensei. I will not let down my classmates’ expectations of our Class A’s excellence in this school, and I also have an ample amount of private points at my disposal as well.”

He nodded “I see. Go to the Student Council room with me later at lunch so we can process and confirm your candidacy.”

I then sat down on my seat once again as he added “Alright, I'll answer any more of your inquiries regarding the elections at another time. I'm sure that everyone has been waiting for this.” He smiled as he posted the results of this semester’s midterm examinations.

As usual, I have perfect scores in all subjects and everyone's average scores have started to rise as well. There wasn't anyone whose average would fall below 80 on their mark, which even surprised me of all people.

With this, we're basically approaching our academic average that's on par with the former Class A (now Class B).

Sakagami-sensei then said “Congratulations to everyone once again. There will be no expulsions for this exam.” to which everyone present sighed in relief.

It was then that he added “Now, there will be a short test next week in order to prepare for this semester’s final examinations which will involve all 8 subjects and a total of 100 questions for this test overall.” to which everyone must've been surprised by this.

Because of that, there were some murmurs coming from the other students who were feeling annoyed by tests coming in to everyone once again.

He smiles as he also added “This test, although has no impact on your current grades, will have a high impact on your final examinations as this will be the determining factor with whom your partner will be for the finals exam. ”

Hiyori then interjects by raising her hand before asking “Partners, Sensei? Will our scores determine who we will be partnering for the finals?”

Her question baffles Sakagami-sensei before smiling and answers her question “Very good deduction, Shiina-kun, but I'll leave that out for everyone to guess until after the short test as it'll be the school who would choose your partner based on a criteria from them only.”

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