Old habits with new faces

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{Tessia Eralith}

-Isn't it the elven princess?-

-She is so pretty-

-Do you think I have a shot-

-completely out of our league-

Hearing the chatter from the nearby crowd and feeling the stares of dozens of passersby directed at me, I rolled my eyes having already heard those remarks thousands of times before.

I obviously far past the point where I cared about anything being said or how people were looking at me, the opinion of the few people here wasn't representative of the majority or held any particular value since they all only judge me by my looks and status.

I was being told that I was smart, beautiful, strong and whichever other adjective people could find to praise me so many times just because of being a princess that my brain started filtering those comments on its own.

I cared much more about the opinion of people who actually knew who I was like my family or Arthur. If my mother said that I looked cute, or Elli told me that I looked pretty I knew that they meant it, well, maybe not for Elli since I haven't had time to befriend her much in this life yet, but she did invite me to her birthday so I gue-

-Hey beautifull." Called out a boy pulling me out of my thought process. "Why are you waiting here all alone?"

Turning toward him, I immediately recognized him as NOT Arthur, which already made me want to just ignore him, but I also couldn't ignore him as it would be very rude. So, I'll just tell him to f*ck off, politely.

Giving the guy a brief glance, it didn't take more than half a second to know exactly what I was up against. His uniform was one of a first-year student, the golden crest proudly displayed on his jacket confirmed that he was from a wealthy noble family, his overconfident grin and the small group of goons cheering him on from behind finished to convince me that he was most likely a worthless brat.

-Although I appreciate your concern, I am currently waiting for my friends and am not planning to move until they arrive." I answered with a polite yet assertive tone to make it clear that this wasn't up for negotiation.

-Which friend would arrive so late as to make such a wonderful person as yourself wait?" He rhetorically asked while placing his hand on his forehead to pretend like he was disappointed while we both knew that he didn't give a rat's ass.

-Such distasteful individuals obviously don't deserve to stay in your wonderful presence. "He added while making a grand gesture with his arms as my desire to violently detach his head from his body via a spin-kick grew with every passing word. "Allow me, Leonierdo Decapriardus the 4th to escort you instead of whichever pitiful and weak coward abandoned you here."

-Do you realize who you are referring to?"

-How could I not know who you are? It'd be shameful for anyone in this day and age to ignore the identity of the pearl of Elenoir, the shining and beloved princess Tessi-

-Hey Tess!" Loudly called out Arthur as I saw him wave his arm at me from the entrance gate while stepping toward.

-Oh, hi Ar-

-HOW DARE YOU CALL THE PRINCESS BY SUCH TERMS!" Screamed the noble prick at Arthur with such visceral anger that it was almost surprising before rushing him with the grace of a mad bull.

Effortlessly side stepping the charging brat without even sparing him a glance, Art walked to me, slick white uniform making him even more awesome than usual, his soft, confident smile dissipating all my worries and anger as I now only wished to squeeze and cuddle him in my arms.

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