Chapter 12 - Tutoring for Mid-term! Shiina Hiyori!

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I'm not writing the rest of the tournament as there isn't any more notable battles. Arisu didn't enter as she didn't find a 'worthy' partner, Koenji is the same along with a special character not yet introduced.

New class standings

Class A - 1030

Class B - 810

Class C - 440

Class D - 390


"Hey Ayanokouji-kun, this is Hirata! Would you be willing to tutor Ike-kun, Sudo-kun, and Karuizawa-san for the mid terms?" 

The mid term exams are around two weeks from now. Chabiyashira had made a big theatric show about the practice exam that we took, she told everyone that if it were a real test than 7 students would have been expelled. This caused everyone to freak out and eventually Hirata and Kushida made study groups and now I'm getting roped into being a tutor for one of the two worst students and the girl with the biggest attitude in the class.

"Yeah, can you send me their numbers?"

"Of course!"

Three profiles popped up titled Ike, Sudo, and Karuizawa.

Adding them all to a group chat I sent a text.

"This is Ayanokouji, Hirata said I'm your tutor. Can we meet at the library in an hour?"

"Ayanokouji has changed the group name to 'Study group'"

(Sudo) "Ig if its you" 

(Ike) "If I have to"

(Karuizawa) " 👍"

That was a lot easier than expected, I guess having a reputation makes life easier. I should head to the library now to get the material ready. I'll ask Ichinose for the material we're supposed to be studying, I don't exactly trust our sensei to be truthful.

"Ichinose, can you send over the study material?"

"Of course!"


"Thank you"

Just like I suspected, our very own teacher gave us the wrong material.

"Hirata, Sensei gave us the wrong materials. Here are the right ones..."

While walking over to the library I wondered something, why would Chibiyashira give us the wrong information? If we were some pathetic class that ended up with 0 points and had little to no upside I could partly understand, but this I can't understand. We just recently gained 50 Class Points and we could surpass Class C if we do good enough on the mid terms. Whatever the case Sensei is quite cruel for a teacher.

I opened my phone once again navigating over to 'Musi' I clicked shuffle on my playlist and was met with a rather sad sounding song.

'This Town' by Niall Horan. 

It's a song referencing his own home town, many of the lyrics revolve around meeting his old lover in his small town.

'And I want to tell you everything'

'The words I never got to say the first time around'

'And I remember everything'

'From when we were the children playing in this fairground'

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