Riding Reveler's Road

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Kieran held on for dear life as Juliana rode miraidon down the road. They moved at breakneck speeds, the winds of miraidon's speeds were enough to shake the trees of the orchard as they passed by, causing some apples and applins to fall right off. The violet blur streaked through the lands as if it were a bolt of lightning blazing through wood. Ever since the events of Area Zero, miraidon had gotten nothing short of faster.

Perrin, descendant of the great diamond head Adaman, was knocked back by the sheer force of miraidon's winds as it passed by. She swore she saw a mach cone form around whatever it was that passed her by. She laid there on the ground where her growlithe partner barked and licked her arm. "What was that?!" she said, "well, at least my camera's alright."

As for the town itself, miraidon passed right through in a matter of moments, if not less so. All the townsfolk heard was Kieran's yelling as he passed by, coming loud and fading away into the distance in less than the blink of an eye. It sounded much akin to a man just yelling as he pops out of existence. One person who did see it however was Carmine. She was busy bickering with this kid called Yuudai before hearing her brother's cry as he passed by at an unfathomable speed.

And worse, he was riding with that girl and that purple thing she rode on yesterday. Sure it was a blur due to how fast they were passing by, but she could tell. She grits her teeth as she clenches her fists together, "grrr!!! What is Kiki doing with that girl?!"

"Pretty sure they're partners, dum-dum" commented Yuudai, earning him a bonk on the head, "hey! What was that for?!"

"Shut up!" says Carmine. Her poor little brother's been taken away by this rough foreigner girl, taking him on speeds he's not built to take! It's like the story of a barrio girl getting seduced and ruined by a man from the city, except instead of a beautiful girl like hers truly it was Kieran. "Who does that girl think she is?!"

"Well the field trip did say try and find the signs and we're here for like a week or something so they're probably just trying to get it out of the way. Something we should also be doing but you're too busy stalling" commented Yuudai, earning himself another bonk on the head. "Oww" he said, holding the top of his poor head, he looked an awful lot like Kieran with such an expression, except he had bright orange hair instead of the beautiful hair she and her brother were gifted with.

Meanwhile by the nearby shop, there was a glamorous looking couple and their assistant.

"Did you see that dear?" asked O'Nare, pulling at her husband's shoulder sleeve. "I think the commoners' festival preparations are wackier than first thought."

"Hmm?" Billy looked at her, "saw what? Another commoner trying to get a crawdaunt away from his rice paddies?"


Eventually the ride did stop. But not before Juliana rode miraidon up the stairs. Kieran was breathing hard as he got off of miraidon the moment the dragon stopped. And he does mean stop. Not slow down and then stop, like just stop. Part of him felt like he was shaking as he fell on his hands and knees. He could feel like kissing the ground with how fast he was going.

Juliana gave him a sad look and knelt down to give him a hand, "sorry about the super speed, I guess we can take it slow on the way back" she said. Kieran just gives her a wobbly smile as he stood up, he couldn't really be mad at someone with a smile like hers.

After allowing Kieran to walk a bit, stretch, and calm down, he decided to guide her around Kitakami hall. The place was a big courtyard of finely carved stone where market stalls were being set up from the entrance to the main building. Juliana could only watch in awe as performers passed by, preparing their dance routines and stunts. "It seems something big is going to happen" she said, Kieran nodded "that's because there is. Tonight is the first night of the festival of masks. It's all about that story I told you earlier."

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