Chapter 5

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Virat stared at the departing car until it vanished from his eyesight into the darkness of the night. He took a deep sigh and controlled his smile before ringing the doorbell of his house.

Manika opened the door and went away, not saying or looking at Virat. Virat shook his head in sadness. His happy moments always lasted a few moments. Well, time to face reality again.

Virat kept his shoes properly, closed the door and went towards the kitchen. Although he had already finished his day's chores before going out, he never knew when he would get scolded for what. His scars littering his body explained as much. 

"Virat! If you are in the kitchen, make tea for me," Manika yelled from the living room. Virat yelled back a confirmation and began to prepare tea. He took it carefully and presented it to Manika. 

"Kaafi der lagai tumne, nahi? Itni kya baatein karni thi?" Manika asked, taking the cup from his hands.

Virat looked up and observed the clock's hands moving past 10:30. Oh, he had been late. If he got an earful, he deserved it, Virat concluded.

"Yeah..uh...sorry maa, we forgot to check the time. I promise this won't happen again," Virat answered nervously.

"Oh, I'll make sure it won't beta," Manika said and brought the cup to her lips. 

Virat watched with hopeful eyes, waiting for the feedback. His eyes widened in horror when Manika took and large sip of the tea and spit it back again. 

"What the hell is this, idiot?!" Manika yelled loudly. 

"M--maa, I did--didn't...didn't put anything wro--" 

"Then why the hell does this taste so bad?" Manika cut in between, still yelling. She looked absolutely furious.

All the servants came out of their rooms, hearing the commotion. They were used to such scenes and yet, never could do anything but pity the boy.

"What's wrong, maa? Please tell, I'll make a new one," Virat requested with tears filling his eyes.

Manika let out a cynical laugh. "I'll tell you, beta. Definitely will."

Virat grew more afraid at that tone. 

"You fucking idiot! You fucking put salt in my tea!"

Virat moved back a step, anticipating a potential attack at any moment. He could not believe he did such a stupidity. He stared back at Manika with big, wide eyes.

"Speak something, moron! You wanted to go with Rohit, right? Think of him? Think of his family! Who's gonna accept a no-good, worthless son-in-law who can't even do anything properly and even making tea is hard for you now? Huh?!" Manika yelled again. "Think how quickly they would throw you out when they'll get to know your incompetency!"

"Maa, I--I swear I did not put salt... I--"

"I'm lying then, Virat?"

"N--no, I may have b-by mistake put it, I sw-swear it wasn't intentional, maa. Please, please believe me!" Virat begged, his tears starting to fall. "I promise something like this would never happen again. Please, maa." Virat sobbed as he fell on her feet. A little mistake got scrutinized as a big one in front of Manika. 

"I'll make sure you don't, Virat. Get up," Manika ordered sternly. 

Virat looked up, confused. Manika raised her eyebrows and Virat rushed to get on his two feet, looking nervously at his mother.

"Take this cup, Virat. Take a sip," Manika commanded.

Virat hesitated for a few seconds when he felt hot tea being poured on his hands very slowly. Manika still stared at him. Virat suppressed his screams of pain somehow and immediately took the cup in his hands, stopping their torture. 

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