Chapter 7

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Rohit quickly freshened up after reaching his house. He went down and, for the first time, felt relieved to see his family there. He walked towards them and offered a genuine smile, shocking both the ladies. 

Rohit gratefully took his breakfast from Shyaam Kaka and sat down opposite Ambalika. The two ladies continued to stare at him.

Rohit, however, relished his food before starting the heavy conversations. Seeing him ignore them, Ambalika and Anila too resumed their eating. 

After they were all done, Rohit sat back and smiled at them. Again. Anila was sure he was high.

"I want to talk about something, Mom," Rohit announced. 

Ambalika nodded, encouraging him to continue.

"So, without wasting any of our time, I'll straight away say it. I want to marry Virat, soon."

Ambalika raised her eyebrows in question while Anila choked on the water she was drinking. Her elder brother wanted to marry? Was he alright or did her mother threaten him again? 

 Ignoring her daughter, Ambalika maintained her gaze on Rohit.

"For your assets?" she asked.

Rohit didn't want to tell the original reason. He didn't want to present Virat's vulnerability so publicly, so when Ambalika gave him an out, he took it easily.

"Yes. It's a pain in the ass, not being able to access my assets myself. I have several orders pending, and various meetings abroad, and if I don't get them unfrozen, my hard work will all drown," Rohit explained calmly.

Ambalika and Anila shared a look.

"OK," Ambalika replied after a while. "Meet us at the Kohli's this evening. We'll discuss everything then."

Rohit smiled slightly and nodded. 

Ambalika and Anila felt they moved a step further into their plan.


Virat's sleep broke around noon. He looked beside him to find the spot now empty. Virat sighed and sat up with his whole body complaining in pain. Virat was so used to it that he didn't even pay attention to the pain. But the thing which scared him was the fact that he'd woken up so late. He was sure to be punished again for not having completed any of his chores and especially not having the food ready.

 Virat freshened up and went downstairs. He sighed, looking at his mother, reading a newspaper, not aware of his presence.

Virat went to her and stood with his head down. Manika ignored his presence completely, making Virat scared more. 

"Maa?" Virat spoke softly. Manika looked at him then and opened her mouth to say something or perhaps taunt him when her mobile rang. Manika frowned, looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" Manika answered the phone. She silently heard the caller, and replied with an 'ok' and other pleasantries, with fake enthusiasm.

She cut the call and looked back at Virat. She found him staring back at her with a confused look.

Manika assessed his condition and smirked.

"Get ready. Rohit and his family are coming today," Manika informed him.

Virat's heart soared at the man's mention and felt quite relieved. He nodded once and went to complete his work.


In the evening, all the Sharmas sat in front of the Kohlis, chattering and enjoying each other's company. They talked about everything and nothing at once. Ambalika and Anila enquired about Virat's physical condition, which Manika answered with many lies. The only two people who didn't seem to show interest in the conversations were the two men sitting silently.

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