CH 0: Introduction

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This part is character bios. Just explaining the jist of the characters expirences throughout the past five years. Not too important but you should still read.

Aang and Katara:

For the past 5 years Aang an Katara have been traveling throughout the Earth and Water Nations. Although being alone together for so long their bond has began losing its grip. They are nearly at odds with most things. Aangs more adventorus and free nature has began to contrast with Katara who has began to develop more of a serious personality and her want for adventure has been overfilled.Will they fine away to strengthen their once invincible bond?

Toph Beifong:

Toph had left team Avatar shortly after the end of the 100 year war. Not because she wanted to. Shortly after Ozai was defeated. Word among the earth kingdom was of a powerful earthbender who could see with the earth, bend the metal off of fire nation ships; spread like wild fire. She was approached with an offer to teach metal bending. Not to anyone but a new group of young adults who would become the new Dy Lee for Ba Sing Se. She couldnt refuse. Although she has been doing better then ever. And she can be a boss over people. Toph has felt isolated, alone. No friends to lean on. No family to talk too. Just students that she teached. Once she got a letter from Aang and Katara. She couldnt say anything but yes. After all thease years she could finaly have someone to speak to. But maybe something aboit being alone for 5 years changed her. Maybe she doesnt want to be as independent as she thought?


Sokka has been in the southern water tribe with his dad and has been rebuilding their military and connections between their sister nation in the north. He's been doing well. But a few weeks ago he recived a message from Aang and Katara asking him to come with them to the fire nation. Sokka hasnt changed a day. He had became just like his father. He is admired for one of the stringest non benders of his time.


Zuko the fire lord had been reastablishing peace among the fire nation people. He has been working on a massive celebration in honor of Ozai's defeat after 5 years. He has invited the leaders of the other nations too attend as well as the Avatar. Not everything had been going well. His sister Azula, is still mentally unstable and in a mental insitution. That fact eats up Zuko every night; terrified had she escaped. What she would do. No one but Iroh. Mai and him broke up a while ago.

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