CH 28: Flare Snitch Knishes

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Aang POV:

My eyes fluttered open. Before dwindling half closed then gradually sealed closed. My mind raced back to the night. Holdting Toph flushed against me. The kiss that felt better then anything in such a long time. It felt so alive. Yet so unreal. Could that be a dream? Probobly. Its so unreal it has to be, right? Her lips felt so perfect. I want to have that dream again. My tired mind didnt have all the pieces just small fragments of the night with Toph. It must of been a dream. Toph would kill me if I tried something like that. Omly in my dreams that would happen and she would let me get away with that. Maybe I should try to dream that more often- NO! Thats creepy right. To intentionally dream about kissing or romanticicng a good friend even though Im allready taken. Barely taken. Right? The realization I forced down into the back of my mind. But that didnt help it was like trying to fit Appa into a messemger bag. The bag will just burst leaving my sky bison even more noticible. I did like her. Alot. Alot. Alot more then I would ever like a friend. But Im bound to Katara. And I have to stay loyal. Even if I may begin to long for that dream once again. Ever night. Feeling her soft miist lips rest apon my own. To feel.

"Aang! Wake up!" Katara yelled, shaking my shoulder brashly.

Groggaly I shifted in the bed. Katara walked over to me allready dressed for the day. Wearing crimson with yellow highlights on her cloths. She stared into my eyes whuch draped eye bags underneath. "You didnt get any sleep... Did you?" Katara asked.

"Of course I got sleep! You woke me up, afterall." I retorted causing Katara to roll her eyes as I sat up on the bed. Katara raised an eyebrow unconvinced.

I rubbed my eyes lazyily. Mid yawn I ask my girlfriend. "Why do you think I got no sleep?" I asked her.

"Look at yourself. It looks like you stayed up all night." She told me. Staying up all night? Well no. I did stay up late to go metal-


It wasnt a dream...

Honestly now that its coming back I dont know how I convinced myself it was a dream.

My body shuddered as Katara's gazed me suspisously. My eyes darted to the ground.

'IDIOT!' I shouted mentally. How could I just do that. Do I tell her? No! I cant tell her! If she-

"Yheah. I stayed up late. Sorry." I sighed heavily.

Katara nodded but kept her suspisious gaze. She knew I was telling the truth. But not the whole truth. "Why?" She asked politly as I slowly  drifted off the bed.

"Im sorry, Katara. Its just... I couldnt sleep, ok. I just went and took a walk, then visited Appa."  I replied still avoiding her. I wasnt telling the whole truth. But what I told her wasnt false ya know. Darting my eyes to the floor, doors, or my staff in the corner.

Her gaze shifted to a confused almost sad look. "Is it me?" She asked. She inched closer to me. My body sthifted away, I made a jump and acted as if something poked me.

"Noooo!" I exadurated. Why would you ask something like that?" I chuckled anxsiously.

"Because your still avoiding me." Katara calls out.

"I am?" I asked now forcefully looking at her. Lookibg at her face. I couldnt even imagine telling her. I mean. I basically cheeted on her. I have to tell her. But. I really shouldnt.

"You'd tell me if somethings wrong, right?" She asked.

I nodded, molding a smile of sharp double sided lies on my face. "Yes. Yes. I'd tell you something is wrong. I'll tell you everything." I lied.

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