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I'm in my building, surrounded by my loyal and skilled girls. After the disaster of a mission I failed, I needed to be sure it was the person I thought it was in that desert. It would be the same person from the bar, the same person always.

I paced the room, my mind racing. The mission had gone south, but I couldn't shake the feeling that everything was connected. The pieces were starting to come together, and I needed to confirm my suspicions. The desert encounter, the bar—there was no doubt in my mind that it was her.

"Alright, ladies," I said, turning to my team. "We need to verify our target. I want every detail about the desert incident. Find out everything you can about the person involved."

The girls nodded, immediately springing into action. They knew the stakes were high, and they were the best at what they did.

"Make no mistake," I added, my voice firm. "This isn't just about the mission. It's personal."

As my team dispersed to gather information, I slumped into my chair, the weight of the situation bearing down on me. My thoughts kept circling back to that desert, the bar, and the familiar figure that haunted my memories. It had to be her.

The sound of rapid typing and hushed conversations filled the room, my girls working tirelessly to piece everything together. I clenched my fists, frustration bubbling up inside me. The mission had been a disaster, but now I had a chance to turn things around.

As I approached one of my agents, I glanced at the large screen she was working on and muttered, "Why don't you go get some coffee?" She immediately got up and scurried off. Taking her seat, I pulled up the footage from the desert and zoomed in.

No way.

"Boss," one of my top agents, Lina, called out, breaking my train of thought. "We've got a hit. The person you're looking for, it's confirmed. Minji."

My heart skipped a beat at the name. Minji. Of course, it had to be her. The one person who could disrupt everything.

"Are you sure?" I asked, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside.

Lina nodded, handing me a tablet with a dossier. "All the evidence points to her. She was at the bar, and she was definitely in the desert. She's been tracking the same targets."

I scanned the information, my eyes narrowing. "So, she's on the same mission as us. This changes everything."

"What's the plan, boss?" Lina asked, her eyes sharp and ready for action.

I stood up, the fire in my belly reignited. "We intercept her. We need to find out what she knows and why she's here. This isn't just a mission anymore; it's a personal vendetta."

The room fell silent, my girls waiting for the next move. I took a deep breath, the pieces of the puzzle finally falling into place. Minji was a threat, but she was also an opportunity. If we could get to her first, we might just turn this mess around.

"Lina, prepare a team," I ordered, my voice firm. "We move out at dawn. It's time to finish what we started and get some answers."

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I shrugged it off and stood up. "I'm going for a walk," I said, leaving the room. Hours later, I returned to an empty office and poured myself a drink. Jess walked in, the first time I'd seen her all day.

"You won't believe this," I said. She furrowed her brows as I walked over to the computer, drink in hand, and switched it on.

"What? Your one-night stand is the shooter? That's impossible," Jess said.

"Really," I deadpanned. She looked lost.

"Okay, here's the upside. You don't love her," she said.

"No," I replied.

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