[15] The Car and Rain

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TW: detailed panic attack

Reader POV

"Kechizu, what do you mean Satoru was the reason why Hajime died?" I stared across at my cousin, too stunned to say anything else.

He held up a flash drive. "This has everything on it, (nickname). It's the real footage. Please, you have to believe me!"

"You show up at my doorstep after months of not saying anything to me and suddenly accuse my childrens' teacher of murdering Hajime and Fei. Not only that-"

"Move!" Kechizu kicked off his shoes and got onto my computer on the kitchen table nearby, my sons saying hello cheerfully. "Can you turn on the computer, (y/n)? I can't keep this in anymore, especially after what I learned. You won't believe me any other way."

I knew Kechizu would never lie to me, but could Gojo Satoru really do something like this? Was he really capable of bribing the police to give me a false autopsy report for both my husband and sister? Was he really capable of looking me in the eye and acting like nothing was wrong?

Are my boys safe around him? I looked down at the twins who were fighting over crayons.

"Boys. Go upstairs and don't come down until I say so." I didn't look at Kechizu, more scared of what my boys were about to find out if they found out their preschool teacher murdered their father and aunt.

They bade Kechizu hellos and waddled upstairs. I didn't say anything until I heard the comforting sound of their bedroom door clicking shut. To be careful, I used my phone to check the baby monitor still in the room. They were trying to figure out why they couldn't spend time with their uncle.

"Go ahead and tell me what's wrong. The password is 072606." I sat down and watched Kechizu log in. He didn't comment on me binging TonBridger Season 03 and the lockscreen of the boys shoving crayons up their noses.

As I watched the footage, I felt repulsed. But I knew I had to find out the truth straight from Choso and Satoru. Luckilly I was meeting him tomorrow afternoon.


I sat across from Satoru, us agreeing to meet up at the old cafe we used to go to as teenagers with Geto and Fei. It was raining loudly, the rain pounding on the windows.

Satoru was still ordering his food, still confused if he should order the Creme Brulee slice of cake or the Taro slice. "(nickname), what do you think?"

I was a bit confused as to why he called me my nickname but I shrugged it off. "I'd personally go for the (flavor) slice."

"I'll take what she said." Satoru got rung up and came with our things, him giving me my (flavor) cake and sitting down with his.

I relished the fact that it still tasted the same, even years later. "Sorry if I planned this too fast, I just wanted to tie some loose ends."

Satoru studied me. "I feel the same. How have you been, (nickname)? You're taking care of two boys by yourself. Sure you have your family, Nanamin, and maybe Toji."

I could tell what he was hinting at. "It's been hard raising a child let alone two without their father. I miss Hajime so much, but I didn't have a choice but to keep myself together." I didn't want to tell him too much, it was none of his business and we weren't even close. Not anymore.

Satoru looked down at his lap. "I'm sorry for your loss, (nickname). I really did try to save him, I was...at the scene with Choso."

I knew what he was talking about, the police informed me in the report that he was at the scene as a bystander and called the cops, Choso with Nanami to try rescue Fei and Hajime. But I could not forget what Kechizu showed me yesterday.

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