[17] Betrayal

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Not sure if I made this clear, but Choso is NOT a love interest for MC, they're cousins. Geto is most likely not going to be a love interest either, I can't really see it. Geto and MC both respect each other but I can't see them going beyond best friends. Oh, but don't worry...I'm about to introduce other guys. Stay tuned :)

Reader POV

The hospital ride was quiet and they came back with the report, saying I had a slightly fractured hip but nothing severe. They instructed me to stay for three nights then take it extremely easy at home.

"Ma'am, there are guests outside who want to talk to you," a nurse said after she finished paperwork. "The same men you were found with."

"I don't want to talk to them, only Geto Suguru. He's my brother-in-law."

Geto came in shortly after and had a tablet with the boys on call.

"Hi sweethearts," I smiled at them and blew kisses.

"Mommy sick?" Ryomen asked, clearly worried for me. I knew my problem child may be...rambunctious at times, but he truly did take care of Yuji and I. He was the man of the house for a reason.

Yuji hugged him and shook his head. "No, silly? Grangran said she's just got a scratch. Right Mommy?"

"Yes. Ryo and Yuyu, you both better be on your best behavior. Otherwise I'll be disappointed in you." I gave them a warning.

"Yes Mommy!" They both saluted me and I heard my dad ask for the tablet and I heard my father ask the kids to go outside before talking to me.

He gave me a worried look. "Hey, Princess."

"Hey Daddy. How are you?"

"I should be asking you that," he said with a smile that quickly fell. "Suguru told me what happened. I'm so sorry that you were told this way. None of us knew. If I had known, I would've told you."

I noticed Geto giving me a look of pity but I also didn't know how to react to this. "Daddy, how are you guys faring?"

"I don't know what to say," I heard my mom's angry voice. "I want to rip them a new one. (y/n), I always had a bad feeling about Gojo Satoru. I told you the first time you met: he's bad news. But never in my wildest dreams did I think he'd kill my child and your husband."

"Honey, take a seat." I saw my father help her into a seat and she thanked him. "It's been...what, an hour and a half since we found out? It now gives us an explanation of the half-assed autopsy and report."

My father was one to hold in his anger and pretend everything was ok but once he saw whoever hurt his family, he'd rage at them. I could only imagine what he'd do if he saw Choso, his own nephew.

"It may be best to remove the boys from Gojo's class," My father said with a stern glare. "If he's lying to you and he killed my other baby girl, whose to say he won't try something to harm my grandchildren?"

Geto nodded in agreement. "I can speak to the principal of the school Aiko goes to, I'm sure your boys will love the school."

"It's a bit far, but it's worth it." I knew my father was only looking out for us, but was it really fair to my boys? And to Toji's kids? They were all close and were innocent to Toji's deception.

They can be friends, but I cannot trust their teacher.

My parents and I talked for a bit and they decided to stay at my house so the boys' normal lives wouldn't be changed immediately and they could keep an eye on Tofu. I knew Tofu would be worried about me as well, he loved me a bit more than he loved the boys. Geto hung up after saying his greetings to them and got right to the point.

"I owe you an apology. So I was wrong, you were innocent to their deception and I'm sorry." Geto shook his head.  "They're waiting outside, I called your parents to watch the boys...and I'd call work if I were you. You are welcome to stay with me for a while, Aiko is going to summer camp."

"I think I'd like time to spend time with my boys," I said honestly. "But I think you and I can reconnect, if you want. I just need some space for now."

He patted my head. "I figured you'd say that. Well don't be a stranger. If you would allow me, I would love to see my nephews again. Aiko has been asking to see you."

Geto made sure the nurses had enough food ready for me to eat and left the room. I didn't get much time to myself because Nanami ended up busting into the room.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I snapped at him. "I don't have anything to say to you, Nanami." I noticed him flinching at the way I didn't use his first name.

"I just wanted to make sure you were ok and that you were safe-"

"I only need to keep myself and my boys safe from you!" I pushed him away frim me. "And Toji, Satoru, and Chiso, You all lied to me, I won't forgive you! GET OUT!"


"GET OUT." I grabbed the nearby cup and splashed the hot water on him. "I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN."

I could see the pain in his eyes. It looked like he was expecting the worst and got it. He lowered his head in defeat. I didn't care, he brought it upon himself.

I informed the nurses and doctors that the only people authorized to visit me were my two coworkers Jean and Niana, Kechizu and Eso, my boys and parents, and Geto. Everyone else were not allowed in, no exceptions except for the police.

When I got home the following weekend after police reports and newsreporters, I knew I wasn't in the right state of mind. I checked myself out in the mirror, staring at the woman before me.

It felt like the people I loved and trusted the most used and abused my trust-and they involved my children which crossed any and all lines of possibly being on civil terms with them.

My phone had hundreds of missed calls and texts, but I only responded to Jean and Niana. They both agreed to help me with my workload so I wouldn't be behind and my boss agreed to move my desk so I wouldn't be near Nanami.

The shower felt welcoming as I really did hate smelling like the hospital and all its...sadness. I settled into bed after changing, bringing the covers up to my chin and laying in a fetal position.

It was going to be a long time for me to trust anyone and accept the truth.


Yall don't understand how hard it is to make me Nanami one of the bad guys, I'm so in love with him😭😩

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