Chapter 14 - Mid term exams! Love is complicated.

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You can feel the tension and anxiety in the room right now. I originally had a plan to get the mid terms from Manabus' first year as I'm confident they would've been the same. However I decided to go against that plan and leave everyone with the knowledge they got from their studies. 

The reason I did this was due to how the line for expulsion was decided, it's the average score for the test divided by two and rounded up. Therefore giving everyone a way to get 100s doesn't make sense, if a student got a lower grade that would normally be okay but the other students scoring beyond their abilities could get them expelled.

I'm confident in my groups ability to pass, in our recent quizzes everyone scored above a 50. Karuizawa even scored in the 60s on most of them. While it isn't great, being above a 50 guarantees safety for them.

Even with all the studying the class had done it seemed the students still were anxious about it. Rather than the constant chatter in the class it was utter silence, every student was sitting facing completely forwards waiting for Chabiyshira to enter the class.

A sliding noise echoed throughout the classroom making students flinch.

"Good morning everyone, I will be handing out the first of the midterm exams shortly. Once you are finished come up to my desk and hand it to me. Good luck." Sensei said with a sly smile.

I don't get this woman. It seems like she still wants us to fail even though are class is doing okay.

What score should I get? I'll need more points for food and various stuff for my Pokemon so might as well get our Class Points up as much as I can.

These questions were easy, anyone in this class should be competent enough to pass.





















It was twenty questions. All multiple choice.

Walking up to Senseis' desk I handed her my paper.

"You sure? It's only been two minutes." She asked.

"Yeah, if you have any doubts you can grade it now." I answered.

Turning around I could see some students looking at me like I was crazy and others looking at me with pity. I'm not sure as to why they are though, our last quiz I scored 100 and they had the same reactions. One day they'll learn.

All of the tests were turned in and chatter filled the room. Various things were heard from many students.

"How do you think you did?"

"I think I'll be okay!"

"That last question was hard."

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