« Dumbledore's Army »

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When my eyes fluttered open, I saw Harry, Ron and Hermione standing over me, looking worried, and Harry was the most worried. "Olivia! Are you all right?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine." I said, getting up to my feet. "Ron, should I try firewhiskey for you?" 

Ron looked ecstatic, but Hermione shook her head. "No, you just collapsed. I don't think its a good idea to drink firewhiskey right now. Either way, you are too young." 

"I'm not fifteen." I said, smirking. 

"How old are you then?" Harry asked, curious. 

"One-hundred and eighteen." I said. 

Harry, Ron and Hermione looked shocked. 

"But don't worry, just consider me your hip and cool fifteen year old." I said, trying to sound like an old person trying to be cool. "One fire whiskey, please!" I said to the familiar barman, trying not to look into those familiar piercing blue eyes. 

The barman raised an eyebrow, but pulled it out from the back of the bar and slammed it there, like usual. 

I took the dirty bottle filled with a smoking, red liquid and took a cautious sip. It burned when it entered my throat, but the feeling was not bad. 

The pub door slammed open, and the beam of sunlight shone for a short moment, but it was blocked immediately by the crowd of people. 

Neville, Dean, and Lavender led the crowd in, who were followed by the Patil twins with Cho Chang and one of her friends. I smiled at her in invitation, but she scowled at me and looked at Harry with an inviting smile. Luna came in after that, and I realized with a pang that I haven't talked to her lately, so I rushed over to her and gave her a hug, which she returned so dreamily, that she might have hugged me on accident.

The rest of the crowd were mostly unrecognizable, excluding all the Gryffindors. 

"A couple of people?" Harry asked Hermione hoarsely. "A couple of people?"

"The idea seemed pretty popular." Hermione said, shrugging her shoulders, but looking happy. "Ron, Olivia, please pull up some chairs." 

"Sure!" I said, and I pulled up some chairs with one hand while sipping my firewhiskey in the other hand. 

"Is that firewhiskey?" Fred asked in awe. 

"Yeah." I said, shrugging. "Why?" 

"Aren't you fifteen?" Fred asked. 

"Yeah," I lied, easily. "My parents don't care what I drink." 

Everyone stared at me like I was from another planet and I just took an innocent sip of my firewhiskey and flinched slightly at the burning sensation running down my throat. 

Fred shook his head and walked up to the barman while counting everyone excluding me, Harry, Ron and Hermione. "Hi," he said, awkwardly. "Could we have twenty-five butterbeers, please?" 

The barman stared at him, then started throwing everyone dusty butterbeers from under the bar. 

"Cheers!" Fred said, handing out butterbeers to everyone. "Cough up, I don't have enough money for all of these." 

Harry stared into space as everyone looked in their robes for coins, and I took another sip, and Fred and George looked at me, longingly. 

Everyone sat down in their seats, and Hermione said, nervous. "Well, hi." 

I took over. "You all know why you are here. We need to learn real Defense Against the Dark Arts, and not the trash Umbridge is teaching us. And we need to learn the spells by practicing them, not with theory." 

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