Chapter 15 - Charizard! Start of the Island Exam

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"Congratulations students! Because of everyone passing the exams all classes will be going on a cruise ship. The cruise ship will be talking everyone to an island where we will spend two weeks." Chabiyshira explained

"These are the new class standings." She said.

Class A - 1090

Class B - 850

Class C - 470

Class D - 450

"-Koji?" Serenas voice broke me out of my thoughts.

Sorry Serena, I was thinking about Chabiyshiras explanation to us being here. I was thinking about it fondly not because the author forgot to write it last chapter.

"Sorry, what'd you say?" I asked.

"It's beautiful, isn't it? I grew up in the country so I never got to see the ocean, let alone be on a cruise ship." She explained.

"Yeah, it's a beautiful sight. I never got to see the ocean growing up either." I said.

"Did you also live in the country?" Serena asked.

"Something like that."

The White Room was in the mountains technically.

For someone like me seeing the ocean is something memorable, to others it's just normal. But to me it's a flurry of colors, movements, and smells that I was completely denied all throughout my childhood. It's a wonderful thing and sight that most people take for granted.

Leaving Serena on the deck I headed back to my room, I shared a room with four people. Koenji, Shibta, and Hirata. An interesting group but nonetheless a welcomed one, Hirata and Shibta are kind people and enjoyable to be around. Koenji on the other hand is what can only be described as a narcissist, he believes he is the absolute best at everything he has done.

Entering the room Koenji spoke out;

"Ayanokouji-boy, join me a battle!" He called out.

A battle against Koenji? I have been wanting to battle against for a while, might as well take the opportunity.

"Yeah." I told him.

"Follow me Ayanokouji-boy!" He laughed while leading us towards the arena on the boat.

"What are the rules?" I asked.

"Ho~, one Pokemon each of course!" He exclaimed.

One Pokemon will be interesting, obviously using Greninja is the safest move however I want to use Charmeleon. I don't get to spend as much time with him as I used to and it's been a while since he last battled.

Arriving at the battle grounds Koenji spoke out;

"I'll give you your signature red side Ayanokouji-boy!" He told me.


Taking my spot on the red side and Koenji on his the referee spoke;





"Go, Charmeleon/Drednaw-boy!" We shouted in unison.

A group had already gathered around to watch us battle. Koenji and I both had quite a reputation, Koenji was known for being narcissistic while still being very strong. I was known for Greninja, Charmeleon, winning the dual tournament, and my relationship with Horikita Manabu.

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