CHAPTER 4: ~_~

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Roses are red violets are blue when I flash the toilet I remember you.
The problem is I don't have a flash on my TOILET. hahaha!
So guys here's the update! Enjoy!!!

"Jungkook's Pov"

I took a glance on my clock.
Shit!. I'm late. I yelled and get up from my bed and quickly off to the bathroom,took a shower and wear my uniform.I don't have time to eat so I drive my car and go to my school.
As I enter the school a group of girls walk towards me.
"Oppa let's take a selfie,Oppa can we go out?!,Oppa can you sign this please."
I'm very sick of that. It's fine if Cazzy say's that. The one I admire most.
I just ignored them and walk out without taking any words to say.
I enter my classroom and----.
Mr. Jungkook! Your always late.
I just ignored her and sit on my chair.

And the boring class start. The bell ring and I quickly go out from my class. I see a familiar girl. ^_^.
I stalk her and I was shock because it was ---. Samantha. Hey! Samantha!. Why are you here?!. I ask her.
She turn around and face me. Do you have my cellphone?!. She ask me with full of curiosity.
I gave her a smirk and she grab my hand and bring me to the rooftop.
Why did you bring me here?!. I ask here.
Are you crazy?! Don't you see a bunch of girls is gaving me a death glare. If they don't mind I can break their legs just glancing at me like that.
So give me back my cellphone!. Now?!. She said.
Are you sure that I have your phone?!. I ask her with a teasing smile. I don't like teasing but this girl is so different to teas.
So do you have it?!. She ask again and push me a little.
Chill! I will gave it to you. I handed her phone and leave her.

"Samantha's Pov"
Why he is not asking me that I can enter this school. Only a student, teacher or belong in this school can allow to enter this?!. Hahaha
Is he crazy leaving me here?!.
I text Clark. BTW Thanks Clark because you gave me the place where Jungkook study. And I'm so lucky that my uncle is the founder of this school.
I go down stairs and walk towards where my uncle's office is.
Some girls and boys are taking a glace on me.

It was kinda embarrass but I don't care.
I bumped into someone. She fell down. She raised her head and stand up. She is very pretty.
Ooops!Sorry!. I didn't mean to do it.
Sorry too. She said.
Umh! I'm Cazzy.
You?!.She ask me
I'm Samantha.
Nice to meeting you Samantha. Gotta go bye. She wave her hand.
So she is Cazzy.
Finally I reach my uncle's office.
I open the door and Goo! I see him.
Hi Uncle!. I greet him as I sat on the chair.
What are you doing here?!. He ask me.
Never mind. Hahaha. I replied to him.
I'm glad that you came here. Your father said to me that you are going to continue your study here.
I gave him a smirk. Uncle!! But------.
No BUTS I was cut off by him.
You are going to start tomorrow.
What!? Tomorrow?!!!!!. I yelled.
Yes!. He replied. Your things and uniform was ready. I will sent your uniform and things to your house.
He said. I live his office dumb founded.
I drive my car and drive it towards my house.
I am thing king if t parents are here. Are they going to force me to study?!. I think NO!. Hahaha. Because of loving me so much. But why can't I say NO to uncle?!. He is kind but strict. Lol!. I miss you MOM Dad. I whisper in the wind.
I was block by a 2 girls and 2 boys who are blocking my way. I step out in my car and---.
Hey?!. Why are you blocking my way?!. What's the matter?!. I yelled at them.
Were not blocking you way!. A girl said.
Why are you so cold to me huh?!. I ask her.
Hahaha!. She clap while saying. Do you know us?!.. She ask me.

No, I don't!. I replied.
They all step forward to me.
What do you want?!. I ask them. I think my face is burning red in anger. I think they are Gangster too.
I don't want fight or war. I said to them.
What if we want?!. A girl said and command the 2 boys to step out.
She was about to punch me, but I catch her hand. You can't defeat me girl so just go home. The another girl pull my hair.
I don't want to use this bad things to others,but I think it was easy to kill.
I turn around and grab the girl jamd who was pulling my hair. I kick her legs and the other girl, I punch her in her stomach. They fell in the ground and the two boys is heading their way to me. I step back and---. I think I will not defeat them because they are two and 3 boys came again. Crap!.

"Jungkook's Pov"

I step out in yhe noodles house. I was driving my car where my house is. I see a group of boys was blocking a girl. I stop in my car. The girl turn her head. It's Samantha!!. A boy was about to attack her. My heart is beating so fast. I run towards where Samantha is. Stop that!. I yelled at them. They all glance at me. Go home!!!. I commanded them.
They all live and gaving me a death glare. Were about to see again. A boy threats me. I just gave him a smirk.
Why are you here?!. Samantha ask.
Nothing, I just saw you. I think your bullied by!. Haahaha. I said to her.
So what?!. I can manage it. She said with a smirk.
Okay! Sorry. I didn't mean to bother you.
You can leave now!. She said.
Okay! Fine. I leave her and step in my car and start the engine.

I'm just trying to be nice to her. Hahahaa!. Just kidding.
Hey! Guys! How was the chapter?!. Is it was kinda boring?!. ^_^ . I will try my best to get my story be better and interesting. Sorry if I have some wromg grammar and spelling just bare with me OKAY?!. HAHAA.
just kidding. If you like my story it's free to share,comment to give me some ideas and kindly please VOTE.
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