Chapter-57: Helplessly Bound To Your Happiness.

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An awkward silence fills the room as Maya glares at Akshay who avoids eye contact with her. After his grand confession in front of the Kundras, Maya quickly pulled Akshay aside and took him to her room. Amish assured her that he would handle everything else. As she left, Maya could not avoid the look of displeasure on both Mr and Mrs. Kundra. The match is now as good as dead, so Maya needn't worry about it anymore. She had initially planned to jab at Rahul's work and the Kundras' inability to secure themselves a worthy match despite belonging to the high society for generations so Meenakshi wouldn't bring another match again but thank god she didn't have to do that since Akshay's surprise was enough to ensure that the matchmaking would see an end. What she worries about now is the strong smell that drifts past her nostrils and flares as her eyebrows raise.

"Are you drunk?" Akshay looks at her, seemingly sober but Maya just can't trust Akshay on this. Akshay and alcohol is not good.

"No. I am perfectly fine, need you not worry?"

"Why are talking like you are from the 1950s?" Akshay is not that familiar with this old sophisticated way of talking, yet it came so naturally to him out of the blue.

"Because I am in love." Maya shakes her head as Akshay plops onto the bed, smiling like a fool.

"Yeah, you are drunk. It is useless to talk to you right now. Let's talk after you are better."

"I swear I am not drunk. You know how heavyweight I am, I can take a few drinks and be fine."

"Yes, you can drink a few but you don't just stop at a few." Maya retorts with annoyance. Maya doesn't like it when Akshay drinks especially because of his history with alcohol. Maya fills a glass full of water and hands it to Akshay. "Drink this, you will feel better."

"Maya, listen." Akshay takes Maya's hand in his as he rubs his thumb gently on her hand. "I love you. I really do." Akshay bends his head, his forehead touching the back of Maya's hand, as he takes breaths in and out. Before he does anything he dozes off and Maya places her hand under his head slowly lying him down on the bed.


"What the hell." Aditya, who is still in shock paces back and forth in Amsih's office while Amish casually sits at his desk with his elbows on the desk and his fingers intertwined together. He taps his pointer finger over and over on the closed fist, intentionally hiding his own concern for the spectacle that took place in the living room just a while ago. "It can't be."

"Adi, don't worry," Amish assures Adi even though he is too baffled to determine anything.

"How can I not worry? Akshay proposed to Maya."

"I know. I am shocked too, but Maya will handle it."

"That is the problem. Maya can't handle it." Amish frowns at the conviction with which Adi said that.


"It's not that simple between them," Adi says lost in his thoughts.

"Yeah, but why?" The question pulls Adi back to the present and he hesitates to answer. It was not his secret to say.

"I can't tell you that. Let's just say, Maya is very different when it comes to Akshay." Maya's love for Akshay is no less than a compulsion. A compulsion that shouldn't be acted upon.

"Okayy... and how is that a problem?" Amish could not grasp how this could affect the problem at hand.

"Because the nature of Maya's love for Akshay is not pure romantic feelings." Maya will never say no to Akshay. Adi, who knows exactly why she would do it for Akshay, can't help but worry.

"I don't understand a thing you are saying, Adi." Amish gets up from his desk and walks to stand in front of Adi, placing both his hands on Adi's shoulders. "But you should sit down and calm down." He guides Adi to the sofa and urges him to sit. "Relax. We will sort everything out."

Aditya simply lies his head on the sofa's headrest. He knew that Akshay loves Maya but he never expected Akshay to voice his feelings. What concerns him the most is how will Maya take it.


Maya started feeling uneasy and burdened as she sat at the window in her room as an asleep Akshay lay in her bed. The sound of rustling bedsheets pulls her to the bed on her right, where Akshay slowly gets up clutching his head.

"God, my head!" He exclaims in pain. Maya gets up, picking up the sheet of tablets she had brought a while ago for Akshay.

"Take this. It's for the hangover." She places the tablet in his hand and hands him a glass of water, which he silently takes. After a few minutes, she asks, "Are you okay, now?"

"Yes, I guess?" Akshay says squinting his eyes at Maya. As the events in the morning fill his head, his gaze softens towards Maya as he speaks. "Maya about this morning, It was not because I am drunk."

"Why did you drink, Akshay?"

"Because if I didn't, I just wouldn't have said what I needed to. I waited for so long. For you. I don't want to give you to some random guy just because that's what Ms. Meenakshi wants."

"Akshay." Akshay could sense the warning in Maya's voice but he could not stop himself now that it was out in the open. He had already confessed his feelings, what else does he have to fear?

"Maya, Please marry me. I promise I will give you everything you can ever ask for." Maya shakes her head with tears welling in her eyes. She can't help but feel the weight of his confession and it bothers her that even at this time there is only one thought running in her head. You can never say no to him and that is your problem, Maya. Aditya's words from two years ago echo in her mind. "I know you don't believe in marriage or kids, but I promise to give you a happy marriage. A happy family." Maya's thoughts halt at the words. A happy family... Maya smiles at the thought. At that moment Maya realised that she was indeed helplessly bound to Akshay's happiness. 

"You owe me a marriage." The words echo in Maya's head, to which Maya frowns and shakes it away. It was out of nowhere and that voice--- sounded like Akshay. Somehow those words compelled her to nod as a tear slid down her cheek, whether it was a tear of joy or her futility can only be determined by the heavens. There was one thing about Maya that Meenakshi thankfully never caught on. Aditya was never Maya's weakness, Akshay was...


Hey Readers,

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. I know it's a little short but I wanted to end it at a crucial point. Vote for the chapter and comment your thoughts because, as I always say, it helps motivate me. See you in the next Chapter...


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