Chapter 18 - Setting Up Camp. Truth or dare?!

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"This is the area, it isn't as spacious but the sea will give you better odds of catching fishes. I'm assuming someone knows how to cook them?" I asked the group.

"Yeah I know how to! My mom liked cooking and my dad liked camping so I kinda learned over time." Hirata explained.

"Good, Hirata this camp is under your leadership, all decisions have to go through you." I told him.

I trusted Hirata was competent enough to lead this camp well enough. This exam is already won for us, as long as no stupid decisions are made that is.

"Also, there a Pokemon on this island and from what I've encountered they are rare." I told the group.

I let Dreepy out of his Pokeball and saw the surprise in their faces. Dreepy itself is already fairly rare but the fact that's it's shiny is even more impressive.

"If I'm not mistaken that Dreepy is shiny right?" Hirata asked.

"Yeah, I found him right here actually." I explained.

The group started discussing looking for Pokémon and finding their own rare ones. I took this as my queue to leave.


"Akito, who set up the tent?" I asked while arriving back at my camp.

"Koenji did, he said something about staying true to his word. I'm not sure where he went after though." He explained.

I'm surprised Koenji listened.

"Koenji, due to my victory on the ship I want you to participate in the exam." I told him.

"Ho~ I don't remember making a deal like that." He taunted.

"If you do I'll thank you with another battle, I know you want revenge."

He took a second to think before answering;

"Very well Ayanokouji-boy! I'll help out every now and then!" He accepted my proposal.

Koenji is a person driven by his need to be perfect, due to my victory he can't claim to be perfect anymore. Therefore a chance at redeeming this 'perfection' will make him do close to anything.

"I see, that's good then."

Looking around I could see the girls were just sitting up against trees. Why would they do that? Do they not have Pokemon?

"Akito, can you tell them to come here?" I asked while pointing at them.

I would do it myself but all of my attempts of raising my voice outside of a battle have proven to be rather pathetic. It's a sad reality but the one I reside in.

"Kushida, Ayanokouji wants to speak to the girls!" He shouted.

The guys were already here we just needed them. Once they got situated I spoke.

"We all have Pokemon right?" I asked.

"Obviously!" Karuizawa replied.

"Then ask your Pokemon to help with things, they can find or help make logs to sit on or help with gathering fire wood, etc. Make use of your Pokemon, they are many times stronger and faster than us." I told them.

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