Case File 3

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Case File Name:
Connected Dots.

Chapter Three

"You owe me at least two bags."

I sighed, but inevitably smiled as I turned around to Nadia buckled into her car seat in the back seat.

"Good thing I got you three," I murmured, revealing the two other bags of Trolli's, "Just don't tell mommy," I reminded her as I hesitantly handed them over.

"Of course not," Nadia mumbled happily, taking the bags with an excited smile.

I jokingly rolled my eyes, "And don't get caught this time—maybe hide them under your bed instead of your book bag," I offered, turning on the car so we could exit the daycare parking lot littered with parents and children.

I genuinely think I'm okay with being an aunt.


I don't think I could have a child to take care of all the time and not give it back to someone.

"Can we watch a movie?" Nadia asked, glancing up from her bright iPad screen, which was cleaner than any other child's I'd ever seen.

Then again, I've lectured her on the importance of hygiene and being clean.

Probably the only lecture I'll give her in life, especially since I'm the aunt.

I don't have to parent her.

So again, why would I have kids?

"Yes, maybe we could do Tangled?" I suggested, knowing she loved that movie.

Especially because she wanted to have long hair like Rapunzel.

It made it easier when Morana would do her fifteen-step hair care routine consisting of different oils and natural products.

Just like Nadia, I hated it too, but I also love my hair and the routine is crucial to upkeep it.

"Tangled and then Moana?" Nadia offered.

I hummed as we got on the highway, heading away from the suburbs to my apartment downtown, "Whatever you like, honey," I murmured, merging onto the busy highway.

"Thank you bee," she hummed happily, focusing back on her iPad as I navigated the car through the thick traffic.

But as Nadia sat contently in her car seat, I seemed to feel guilt naw at me, hating that I passed up such an opportunity last night.

I even talked to Aisha today, and she said she could ask around but she couldn't guarantee anything.

Which seemed to make me feel worse about turning down such a simple job last night.

It really wasn't that bad...

Just driving a car to the pier.

At least dinner with Aisha tonight will take my mind off of it.

"I love coming to your place," Nadia mumbled happily as I pulled into my reserved parking spot after what felt like such a long drive.

Especially with the five o'clock traffic.

I smiled slightly, "Oh really?" I asked, putting the car in park.

Nadia hummed, "You have the prettiest view—I like your balcony," she determined as I turned the car off, sliding out of my seat with my keys and Birkin.

And after adjusting my black dress down to its original length, I walked over to Nadia's side as she unbuckled her seatbelt and hopped down from her booster seat.

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