Case File 42

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Case File Name:

Chapter Forty-Two

"Get the fucking shots lined up!"

"It's ten in the morning?" I said, noticeably concerned as I glanced between our group of friends.

Gia pursed her lips, "She's right," she sighed, shaking her head.

Until a smile as big as a grin grew on her lips.

"We need mimosas for chasers!" Gia called out, high-fiving Vic when he held his hand up with a smile.

I rolled my eyes as I glanced down to Tazmin—who was seated on the couch I was about to sit down on, now that I grabbed my portable charger from my carry-on.

"Can you believe them?" I asked her, inaudibly gasping when she pulled me down onto her lap before I could sit beside her.

And as soon as her lips were pressed to mine, I didn't hesitate to kiss her back—unconsciously smiling against her soft lips.

"Two rounds of shots!" Tazmin suddenly called out as soon as she pulled back from the brief kiss.

I laughed, rolling my eyes again at how insane they were all acting.

But I figured the announcement of Tazmin and I's relationship would evoke these kinds of reactions.

Just not to this extent.

I mean we've barely been in the air for less than five minutes and everyone already wants shots and mimosa chasers.

Shouldn't they be hungover from last night?

I know it's only ten but if I had taken any shots last night I would be carrying my fucking pillow and a sleep mask.

"You guys are all fucking insane," I determined, leaning into Tazmin's side as my legs rested between hers.

Marie gave me a narrowed look, "Girl you know it's been—"

"Over two months," Mav cut her short, which concerned me, to say the least.

Are they all really keeping track?

And has it really been...

Well, the first week of August is when we finalized the contract so...

"Aww maybe we should all say a speech or something about the happy couple," Mila suggested.

Which made me scrunch up my nose, "Absolutely not—"

"I'll go first," Vic said, standing from the couch as the different flight attendants passed us each a tequila shot and a mimosa.

All I gotta say is—

Thank god, I'm not working tomorrow.

"The first time I knew some shit was going to go down was when Taz refused to let Lena pay off her debt," Vic said, which made my brows raise slightly, now looking over to Tazmin.

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