Case File 7

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Case File Name:
Stolen Evidence.

Chapter Seven

"She actually gets on my last nerve, Marie."

My best friend only laughed on the other end of the line, "Is that why you let her fuck you?" she retorted.

I rolled my eyes as I leaned back in my office chair, glancing over to the digital clock to ensure I wouldn't be late for the last-minute meeting Ivanna called.

"You're not helping," I determined, even if a part of me determined that maybe she was.

I needed to feel like a scolded child for what I let happen last night.

"Look, why don't we go out tonight? I'll cover your drinks since I'm the reason you're in this mess," Marie said, which seemed to earn a deep sigh from me.

She wasn't exactly the reason why I was in all of this.

Deep down, I knew she was only trying to help.

I should've just gone through with the job in the first place.

Now I have a little over a week to figure out how I'm going to get Nadia into that school.

And I refuse to ask Tazmin.

Especially since she already threatened my family.

She also still thinks Nadia is my daughter and shining light on any of it might lead her to the real truth.

Which would make it easier to kill me.

At least for her conscience.

If she even had one at all.

"Fine let's go out tonight," I suddenly said, determining that it was Friday night and I had nothing better to do.

I also haven't seen my sister or Nadia in two days now due to my concern for their safety.

Being around me didn't feel like a good idea for them right now.

"Cool, so I was thinking we go to Hideaway tonight. They have the best sections," Marie suddenly suggested.

I hummed as I stood from my chair, "Okay," I said, grabbing my notebook and pen, "I have a meeting but just come by tonight," I added, now walking towards the door of my office.

"Sounds good, be ready by ten," Marie said.

I closed the door to my office behind me, "We'll pregame too," I determined, knowing I hated being sober walking into any club.

Marie hummed in confirmation, and within a few seconds we had said our goodbyes, ending the call just as I made it into the conference room.

Today's meeting only consisted of the senior associates who Ivanna was considering to allow on the case.

Including Aisha, who I hadn't yet talked to today, especially with everything unsaid between us.

Or me at least.

Maybe a step back would be good.

It felt like it was getting a little serious there between us for a moment.

"First I want to inform you all that the trial for Ms. Moretti has been postponed," Ivanna said, tapping her Apple pen around on her iPad.

And automatically, I knew why the trial had been moved.

Corrupted (18+) (GxG)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora