Chapter 5...

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As Draco entered his throne room, his smile faded. There, lounging on his throne was a dark skinned man with equally dark, but mischievous, eyes. He had a smirk plastered on his face as he looked at the pale man walking toward him from the threshold of the room.

"My dear, dear, dear Uncle, how has hell been treating you?" the dark skinned man smiled with blinding white teeth. In his hands he twirled the rose crown on his fingers.

Draco chuckled; two could play at this game. He never really liked the god for Draco found him too hard and selfish when it came to others. He did not particularly like how easily he took orders either, "Fairer than I see being the messenger to the All Almighty Harry (Zeus) has been."

Dean (Hermes) laughed as he got up off the throne. The immortal messenger placed the rose crown on his head and rose his chin up in the air. Turning in different directions, he asked, "What do you think?" But, Draco did not respond save for the hard glare and Dean sighed, placing the crown back in its place on the throne, "Hannah (Demeter) has become angry at the gods and goddesses on Mt. Hogwarts."

"Not my problem," Draco fired back.

"It is your problem, Draco," Dean replied, "A lot of things have happened since you last came out of your hole," he motioned around them, "Still haven't remodeled I see."

"I have no need," Draco said.

"You hold the solution to the problem, Draco," Dean said, "Harry wants me to return her to her mother."

"So, Harry sent you for her?"

"Of course," Dean bowed slightly, "Who else would he entrust with such delicate cargo?"

"I would not," Draco growled at Dean's sarcasm, the rumble was dangerously low in the King of the Underworld's chest.

Dean simply glared at him, "Where is she, Lord Draco?"

Draco's anger turned into humor, he loved playing games and Dean was so easy, "Right where I left her, purring in absolute pleasure," he pulled Dean's strings so tight, Draco practically basked in the anger that Dean exported from his skin.

"Do you know what you have done?"

Draco just shook his head in a sarcastic manner, "What is that I have done, winged god?"

"Hannah wants to keep Hermione's virginity intact, you kuna (bitch); she's more valuable that way," Draco simply ignored Dean and his rude comment. He knew all of this, he just enjoyed pressing every open wound that Dean showed to him, "If she finds out you took it...," Dean sighed, closing his eyes and controlling his breathing, "Hannah has placed a plague upon the land, people are starting to die. I thought you hated your job, Draco. Wouldn't it be best if you let Hermione go back to her mother and end this onset of death?"

Draco chuckled, "Why would I do that? I have a beautiful creature up in my bed," a complete lie, but he could not help imaging what Hermione would have looked like in his bed. A goddess, his thoughts answered for him, she would have been the true meaning of the word, "My land is once again full, and my dear servants and friends have something to do for a change."

Dean growled and stepped toward the older god till they were mere inches apart, "Harry has commanded, and so do I, for you to hand her over to me, Lord Draco."

"By all means," Draco leaned in and growled, his silver eyes flashing with pure fire, "Command me around, pitiful god of thieves. Tell me, are you going to take her before giving her back to Hannah? Cause I did not force myself upon Lady Hermione. I'm too much of a god with ethics to do so, unlike you, you methusai (old woman)."

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