Chapter 30...

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Harry turned to the immortals and mortals around them, "My people, hear me out," Hermione crawled back over to Draco's dead body and placed a hand on his chest, "Let it be known throughout the land that Hannah was placed under a spell," Harry turned to Hermione, knowing a mother's love and sacrifice from his own mother, he declared, "Also, Hermione," he walked toward her and looked down at Draco, "I will save him for you, in exchange, you are to stay with your mother for six months," Hermione looked down at her lover's cold, dead face, "I will also, personally, over see your union with him and there will be peace across Greece, both mortal and immortal. Do you accept?"

Hermione nodded slowly, "Yes," she would accept Harry's proposition if she could have Draco back and peace, she would stay with her mother and return to him. She could do this.

"Good choice," and Harry kneeled down beside Draco's body, placing his lightning bolt parallel to his spine. He then began to speak another mantra, "Férte píso tin psychí tou hai na apohatastísei ti zoí tou (Bring forth his soul and restore his life)."

A brilliant, golden light surrounded Draco as Harry spoke, seeping in Draco's pores. Hermione grasped Draco's hand and watched in horror and joy as Draco's skin began to warm and his skin began to take in life. Suddenly, his chest heaved and he breathed in air, his grey eyes snapping open. He gasped as he was brought back to life.

"Draco!" Hermione yelled and wrapped her arms around his body.

Draco's eyes flickered across his surroundings as he slowly wrapped his arms around Hermione. Then, all his memories came flooding back in his mind and he sighed, peacefully, hugging Hermione tighter against his body, "Hermione," he looked at Harry, who smiled down at his brother, his lightning bolt in hand, "Is it over?"

Hermione let go of him and looked down upon the face of her lover, "Yes, it is."

Draco smiled brightly before it fell once more again, a realization crossing his mind, "What did you promise, Hermione?"

Hermione's face dropped and she gently touched his face, soothing back his blonde, feathered hair, "I need to stay with my mother for six months, every year," Draco sighed and looked away from Hermione, "In exchange, you were brought back to life and Harry will oversee our union and peace will be seen throughout the land."

"Hermione-," Draco tried to speak.

"Six months with my mother is worth spending forever with you," Hermione shushed him and connected their lips, reuniting them once more.

Harry (Zeus) stepped away from his brother and turned toward the mortals. With a wave of his hand, they disappeared and their memories were erased. Once he did that, his blue eyes connected with a red headed goddess standing next to Astoria (Artemis) and a god he had never seen before. On closer inspection, he saw it was Orion, the mortal hunter, and the only thing keeping him here was a silver necklace hanging from his neck. His eyes though were still set on the red headed goddess.

Picking up the broken looking crown, to match his own off the ground where Hannah fell, he walked toward the goddess; his blue eyes roamed over her body. She was covered in decorative, metal stained crimson with blood. Her hair was styled so a braided crown lay on her head, but threads flew from her fighting. She stopped talking and turned on the balls of her feet, her green eyes connecting with his. She walked toward him and stopped so they stood a couple feet in front of each other. Harry slowly raised the crown toward Ginny, his eyes meeting hers. She cocked her head to the side in confusion, but then she smiled brightly. Harry mirrored her and stepped the rest of the way toward her. Taking the crown, he placing it upon her red waves and watched as it healed and became the crown she had always had on her head for centuries.

"Ginny, I'm-," Harry murmured, but was silenced by a finger to his lips.

"Shh," Ginny replied with a sly smile and slid her hand up to cup his cheek, "I know," and she lifted up on her toes, connecting their lips together. Another King and Queen reunited and peace fell upon the land once more.

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