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I was the type of person you would call a "sports junkie." I played every different kind of sport. From basketball to swimming, from tennis to football, but my favorite sport, above all the others, was soccer. The other sports were with friends or right before the bus came, but soccer was my life. It was a part of me, and I thought it would be that way FOREVER.

"Lauren! Lauren!" My stepmom, Sherrie, called from downstairs. I sleepily glanced at the clock and saw the time. It was 7:20! I was going to be late for school! This could not happen, or this would be the second time and the second tardy.( the other time was when I forgot to set my alarm. )

"I'm up! I'll be downstairs in 5 minutes, Sherrie!" I yelled down while was putting on my soccer spirit shirt. Today was practice so I decided I was going to wear. I threw up my hair into a messy bun, brushed my teeth, and applied a little foundation.

When I reached downstairs, my little step brother, Max, was eating a strawberry Pop Tart. I sat down at my seat and saw that I had a strawberry Pop Tart and a glass of milk. I grabbed the Pop Tart, slid the glass of milk to Max, and ran to my car. (I had already missed the bus.)

Once I hit the Bridgewater High School, I darted to my locker, and then to my classroom. It was 7:40 and thankfully, the class had not started yet. I walked over to my seat and sat down. Aubrey and Kylie were sitting on my sides. They were my best friends in the world. Aubrey was on the school soccer team with me while Kylie was a cheerleader, cheering us on. Aubrey had short, straight, bright blonde hair, olive eyes, and the tannest skin the world had ever seen. Kylie had fairly long dark brown hair, gray eyes, and light skin. While they were normal, I was an odd muffin. I had the dark auburn hair, I had deep violet eyes, and fairly tan skin.

"Alright, Class. Let's begin. Who knows who sculpted 'The Thinker'?" Mr. Micks had always been a fun and caring teacher, even before I was in his class. He had been my birth mother's friend before she had died giving birth to me. Ever since then, he had a soft spot for me. For some reason, I had always felt that my mother's death was partially my fault.

"Wasn't it Obama?" Some boy in our class asked. Everyone in the class quietly snickered.

"No, he is the forty-fourth president of the United States. The sculptor of 'The Thinker' was Auguste Rodin," Mr. Micks said in his mock French voice.

Mr. Micks started to tell us the history of Rodin. Then the bell rung, and Aubrey, Kylie, and I headed to second hour, CA.

After the rest of the interminable day, Aubrey and I suited up for after-school soccer practice. While we waited for it to start, we shot some baskets with some people, including some of the soccer players on our team. Finally Coach Brewer showed up, and we started practicing. We worked on one one on ones, shooting, and passing. When practice ended, I went to the locker room, showered, and headed to my car until a familiar face stopped me. It was my best friend Tim. He had been my kindergarten buddy.

"What do you want, Tim?" I asked him.

"Me? Oh well. When is your guys' next game? I want to come and cheer you and Aubrey on. Even though I know Kylie will be doing that," he grinned.

"Tomorrow, Saturday, 4:50. Don't be late!" I winked at him. Tomorrow was our second game, and he was at the first one too. We had won our first one against the Shirewood Tomahawks. Now we were going to face the Shoreside Tigers. It was going to be epic! We, the Bridgewater Twisters, had faced them before and beat them in overtime. I waved goodbye, got into my car, and drove away.

I was in my car listening to Katy Perry's song, "Hot 'N' Cold" on my way home. I was just driving, wanting to get home until I reached a stoplight. I waited until the light turned green and I made a right turn when a small green car zipped through the intersection, running a red light. Suddenly, I was T-boned! My air bag came out, and the glass shattered. The car had hit right where my seat was, slamming my pelvis into the center console. I felt a searing pain as my pelvis shattered on impact. I screamed in agony, trying to find my phone to call 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" The lady asked.

"75th and Parkway... I was...." I dropped my phone, and silently slipped away into darkness.


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