The Doctor's Office

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We checked in and sat in the waiting room. I pulled out my phone and pretended to text. I was tired and just wanted to go home. My name was called and I headed into the back. They checked my blood pressure. They didn't check my height or weight because that required standing. Then Dr. Wilson came in. He was an older man with wild hair and spectacles on the tip of his nose. He was kind and slightly eccentric.

"Hello, Laurie, how's life?" I smiled

"I'm alive." I grimaced. I wish I could walk and play soccer, though. He asked me several questions and I answered them all.

"How are feeling?"

"Any pains?"

"Any depression and thought to inflict pain on yourself?"

Fine. No. Nope. He finally finished and exited the room to talk to another doctor. Dr. Wilson came back in examined my spine, and did different things that I'm not sure what their called. My dad finally showed up. "How are you feeling, L?"

"I am just fine." I was so tired of people asking me that question. The truth was I wasn't. Everybody knew that so why would they keep asking? Especially since they also knew I wasn't going to admit it. Ugh. I wanted to go home and sleep. Dream and try to escape this nightmare. Dr. Wilson came in.

"Okay, Miss Lauren. You have been healing really well, better than we expected. A great surprise! So we might a have few solutions to your problem-" I couldn't help but interrupt him.

"Like what?" I said childishly.

"Well, Lauren. I will have to check with my nurses and other doctors here. Then I will call you and give you those options." He winked at me. I gave him a thanking and knowing look. We checked out and drove home. I would get to know the options before anyone else. It made me feel good. I lay myself on the couch, watching some old movie. I slowly drifted off to sleep, dreaming of white and space.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2014 ⏰

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