Long Days

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Months passed as I healed. Finally, my pelvis healed. The doctor had taken more painful X-Rays and turns out only PART of my pelvis had been shattered. I wanted to take physical therapy to try to walk but my dad and Sherrie said it would be a waste of money. I thought it would have been worth a shot. When I went back to public school, (I had been face timing the class) My friend, Callie, heard I saw the movie "Soul Surfer" and got me the book. I tried to be my old self, but it felt that part of me had died with my ability to walk. So I just read the book. It was interesting to hear from another girl how her life seemed ruined and how she coped with it. Her situation was a little different than mine, but we still had some things that were alike. Surfing was her thing and mine was soccer. We both had a problem that stopped us from doing what we love. But she got back on track and was able to do it again. I couldn't. Or maybe I could! I could try to walk. I could try to stand. I could try to play soccer again! I was in my hopeful world until a voice jumped in.

"Excuse me, but are you Lauren Hunter?" I jumped a little bit and turned around. He laughed a little.

"My name is Mike Dixon, and I am a scout for Brighton University. I saw you play, and you played amazingly. I would like to talk to the university about you. First I would like to know if you are interested." Did he not hear about me? Did he not see the news? Well, here was my big chance, and I was not going to let it slip away.

"Oh, I'm quite interested. But, I won't be able to play for awhile. Recovering pelvis. Doctor says just wait one more week." I smiled the doctor did say

my pelvis would be fully functional in a week, if I was able to walk again. Kylie and Aubrey didn't say a word. I think they believed I had a chance to maybe walk again.

"Oh. Well it is still out there. Shall I send an email to your parents?"

"NO!" We all screamed in unison. I let out a nervous laugh.

"Um, uh, send it to mine, please," I said.

"Okay. Very well. I shall see you soon. Let us have a meeting next month. Early February. Pleasure to meet you." He shook my hand and left. My friends looked at me with crazy excitement but with worry of what we were going to do.

"We need you to go to that university with us," Aubrey pouted. Apparently the scout had seen them too. Why were they so interested in me going? I know I was there friend but why? Then I realized. They had recommended me. They gave sly ear-to-ear grins.

"I know! But how?" I asked with a suppressed smile.

"Well, Kylie knows a person..." Aubrey drifted off and got interrupted.

"WE KNOW A PERSON WHO CAN HELP YOUR WITH YOUR WALKING PROB!!!!!" Kylie screamed. People stared at her, and she just twisted her hair. I stifled a shriek. This was so going to work.


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