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I wheeled myself to my locker. I was wearing my purple soccer jersey for the game that day. Anika, a German exchange student, was grabbing her books. Anika was one of those smart girls that have maybe one close friend and rocks her glasses. She's so pretty so she is kind of popular. She likes to talk to me. Anika doesn't care about how I'm handicapped but instead encourages me to try to do therapy. In fact, she's the one who told Kylie and Aubrey about Marty. I talked to her for five minutes until Tim wheeler me away to my next class. I've been getting so much attention. I've been a fan of attention but not this kind of attention. I feel weak and helpless. I hate it. I want to dance, stand, run, and jump, but I can't. I droned out the teacher and texted Tim. Ever since the accident, I have problems concentrating. Finally the bell rung and wait for Tim to come get me but instead the team comes to me. Haley, Morgan, Addie, Mia, Aubrey, everyone! Each person was holding a yellow letter, my favorite color. Everyone was grinning and held up the letters. It spelled out "We Miss You L!" I smiled and let out a few tears. I wiped by eyes. Mia grabbed my wheelchair and wheeled me out to the soccer game.

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