In the Hospital

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I woke up to the sound of the heart monitor. As I took a breath I winced. The pain had still not gone away. Once I had winced, my father, James, sprang out of his seat and to my side.

"Are you okay, Lauren?" He whispered gently.

"Well. I don't know. Can I see the doctor?"

"Sure," he said glancing over at Sherrie. She nodded in response and went to get the doctor. My father just stared into my eyes, not saying a word. Max broke the silence.

"Thanks for the milk yesterday morning," he said. I laughed which hurt, but I didn't care. Then, Dr. Howe stepped into the room with Sherrie.

"Hey, kiddo, how are you feeling?" He asked in his warm voice. Dr. Howe had been my doctor since I was three years old.

"Well, I was hoping you would tell me." He knew exactly what I meant so he got onto business.

"Lauren, listen to me very carefully and don't freak out," he said in a grave tone. "You shattered your pelvis, and fractured some vertebrae." He took my hand when he said this next thing. "We think you won't be able to walk again." My arm slacked. No more soccer. No more anything. A tear slid down my cheek, and he excused himself from the room, letting me be alone with my family. I asked my family to leave so I could sleep. But what I really did was just cried.

I woke up to the movie "Soul Surfer" playing on the hospital television. I watched some of it until the nurse came by and gave me some breakfast. She had to feed it to me since I couldn't move. After I finished, I continued to watch the movie until Aubrey and Kylie burst into the room.

"OMW! We saw what happened, and we were so worried. Are you okay?" Kylie asked worriedly.

"My legs are still here," I gave a fake smile. I didn't want to tell them yet that I couldn't walk.

"So, I know this is crazy, but are you coming to the soccer game? To play?" Aubrey asked. Kylie looked surprised that she said that, but she wondered that too.

"I wish, but... I have a shattered pelvis..." I drifted off. That was the only thing I was going to say until I glanced over act the television. On the movie, Sarah just told Bethany she can just break down in front of her.(I'm paraphrasing) I realized I could tell my friends, and they wouldn't tell a soul. So I broke down. I cried and cried while they held my hands. I told them the doctors said they didn't think I would be able to walk again. After I had stopped my hysteria, they said they were sorry, and that it was all going to work together for my good.

"Well, I'm probably keeping you from your soccer game. Tell everyone I have a shattered pelvis, and that I want to beat those Shoreside Tigers!" They laughed, made sure it was okay that they left, and closed the door. It was good to see them again. They had almost cheered me up until I realized about my soccer dilemma, and I slipped back into darkness, falling asleep.


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