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"Have you tried to do anything that involved putting weight on your legs?" Marty asked me.

"Believe me I've tried everything."

He just stared at me and my useless legs. Then he took off his glasses.

"Try to stand." I scoffed.

"I already told you I can't-"

"Just try." I push with my arms and try to stand. I wobble and can't feel my legs. I try but collapse. Everyone asked if I was okay because I was crying. I wasn't crying because it hurt when I fell. I cried because I felt all hope was lost. But Marty smiled. He just clapped. Why was he clapping? I had just fallen and had not succeeded, but he had acted like I did. Why?

"That's the first step. That's pretty good, but first we have to crawl before we can walk." I smiled.

"Yes we do." Marty and I go into a different room. It actually makes me feel better that we are alone, away from my friends. I know they're trying to help but they make me sadder. Marty goes through a long plan of how we'll make me get better. I dropped to the floor in crawl position. I looked at my thin, weak legs. Even if I can learn to walk, will my legs have the strength to carry me?

"Now crawl." I moved arm forward and slowly drag my leg forward. I wobbled but stay up. I moved my other arm and slowly slid my leg. I collapsed. Marty rushed over to me.

"You okay?" I nodded. He clapped and smiled. "That was pretty good for the first time." He made me do it a couple more times. I looked at the clock on the wall. 12:30 P.M.

"Whoa! Time goes by fast. Hey, Marty, I have to go. My dad will kill me if I go past my 1 o'clock curfew. Thank you so much."

"You're welcome-" he trailed off waiting for my name.


"A beautiful name for a beautiful person." I smiled. I really wanted to give him a huge hug. I crawled to my wheelchair and rolled myself out to Aubrey and Kylie. They put me in. I couldn't stop smiling. This was awesome! Kylie pulled up to my house and they helped me out again. I practiced crawling in the house. I pushed my self up the stairs and crawled into my room. I grabbed my sheets and pulled myself in when I heard my dad's footsteps. I threw the covers over and pretended I was asleep. He walked in and just rubbed my head. He walked back to his and Sherrie's room. I shot my eyes open, too excited to sleep. I just lay there smiling until I was too tired to stay awake. I closed my eyes and dreamed of running. I was going to walk, no matter what it took.

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