Exercise is a Pain in the Butt

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Since I've been spying on IM5 a lot lately, I figured that I should become a secret spy. I'm not going to get an ID and that other stuff. I'm just going to start following them everywhere they go, (I'm not going to be a stalker) and look out for Rebecca. When I told Todrick he actually agreed, just in case they get in some trouble. 

This morning I heard them talking about what the Triple Tones have and what IM5 have. I have to agree to most of those things. I also heard they're getting a trainer to help them get better at whatever they're supposed to get better at. Her name is Juicy J, and she has worked with lots of stars. I don't think IM5 has what it takes. You might think I'm just saying that because I hate them. But to me, it's true.

I actually feel a bit bad for the boys because Juicy J is nuts. I've seen her exercises before. Even though she helped lots of other stars get in shape, I just don't think she's a very, how do I say this, NICE teacher. She doesn't let anybody take a break. I see that she's just trying to get them look the part, but JUST ONE BREAK. She's also very loud.

Anyways, when I was following them, and saw how tired they were, I almost blew my cover. I mean, I almost laughed and made them notice me. Juicy J was pushing them hard, and they looked like they were going to faint any minute. She looked like she was working with Cole the most. 

OH NO! I just saw REBECCA! This is terrible! I slowly tip-toed to her and whispered, "What are you doing here," in my normal, glum voice. She whispered back, "Nothing, and if you tell anybody I was here you are doomed." I nodded like I didn't care, even though I did. She was going to do something terrible if I told anyone, so I kept my mouth shut.

Later, I heard Cole asking the other guys if they thought Juicy J was fllirting with him. I was right! None of his bandmates believed him. I saw Juicy J doing some weird stuff over there, and when I looked over to Rebecca, she looked jealous. 

It was the end of the training, so I went back to Todrick's house a few minutes early. I told him everything, (minus Rebecca and Juicy J flirting with Cole) and I watched them walk in. They looked exhausted. Todrick asked how it was, (even though he already knew) and they were saying how tiring it was. Todrick said they needed some rest, and tomorrow they're going to get girlfriends. Oh, great. More people who need to learn, in Todrick's house the only drink you're going to get is WATER. Unless, somebody is BETRAYING ME.

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