My Revenge (Part 2)

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             Rebecca's dance moves suck. I was watching IM5 practice their choreography with Rebecca earlier, and they are no where close to beating The Triple Tones. Jeffrey's are even worse.

            Oh, and I HAVE to tell you...THE TRIPLE TONES LOST SOMEBODY  IN THEIR GROUP, AND THEN ASKED ME TO JOIN AND SING ALL THE HIGH NOTES!!!! I was literally freaking out, and I, now known as Willy Fresh, said yes. IM5, Todrick, and the others are going to be really surprised when the Triple Tones announce it to them.

            When they introduced me, they were all like, "Wilfred?!" And in my mind, I was like aw yeah it's Willy Fresh! Todrick kept on "instructing" me to leave, and I said that they NEVER appreciated me , and that was the spoken truth.


          The day of the Battle of The Boy Bands came, and I was really excited to kill IM5. (Not literally.) We were singing Bang Bang, and even though I hate that song, I sang it anyways because I didn't want the Triple Tones to lose. I rapped, and it was awesome. I killed it out there, with my spectacular singing and rapping. That'll show Todrick to appreciate me more! I ain't going back to work as Todrick's butler anymore, they can live just fine without me.

         After our outstanding performance, it was IM5's turn. They sucked. That was probably because I hated them and they were our competition, but even if they weren't, I still hated their singing.

        I AM OUTRAGED; HOW DID IM5 BEAT US???? THE TRIPLE TONES DECIDED TO KICK ME OFF THE BAND BECAUSE THEY THOUGHT IT WAS MY FAULT, HOW CAN THAT BE! Someday, I will get my new revenge, and I will prove to them that I am worthy. After Todrick and the others did their celebrating at his house, Todrick walked outside and sat next to me when he saw me lonely.



         "Hey, Wilfred, er, Willy Fresh, I'm really sorry for never really showing how much Bonquisha, Jeffrey, and even IM5 care a whole lot about you. We're really sorry. You're a great butler, and I just wanted to let you know that." That was the first time I actually smiled, besides a fake one, and I loved to know that there were people who actually cared about me. I then told them about how I felt throughout the whole summer, and how I hated IM5. We just sat there and talked, and Todrick even let me be his butler again, and he promised to appreciate me more. This was actually a great summer. I said one last farewell to IM5, actually missing them this time.

Maybe their not so bad after all.


Sorry for the very short chapter, there wasn't much to write about since Wilfred was only shown in the middle of the video :P

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the story, and the bonus scene. This might just be it, unless I feel like writing about Wilfred's life as a butler after IM5 left.

Thanks for the support, and I really hope you loved the story because it's actually difficult to write. Also, sorry if my grammar's bad.

It's the last week of winter break, and I have a mixture of excitement and sadness, because I love school but I actually like taking a break from people. I hope (I have so many hopes) that you had a nice Christmas and/or Hanukkah and have a Happy New Year!

I'm not ready for 2016. Time's just going by way too fast.


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