Chapter 8: Answers...

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Hey guys this is going to be a shorter chapter then usual because i have stuff i got to do so ima just put this out and then the rest so enjoy...?


What am dead but Alive.....i need to get up....GET UP!!!

"Stand boy....i raised you better" Y/N hears a old mans vouce as he wakes up in a unfamiliar place but knows the area...

i raised you better" Y/N hears a old mans vouce as he wakes up in a unfamiliar place but knows the area

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He stands up as he stands walking, he doesn't know where but knows where he's going. He arrived at a house he soon realuzes it's his cabin.

He can see smoke coming out the chimney as he walk to the door and looks thru the window as he sees gis mother inside. But then theres a man behind her as he thinks she is in danger.

But the man then hugs her and kisses her as he feels more relaxed but curious who this man is as he turns around as the man is now infront of him.

The man taps his forhead as he then falls back and wakes up in the snow as he looks around. He feels the snow with his hands as the man stands infront of him.

"Y/'ve grown...into...a better man then me" the man walk over to him and helps him up. "I....I know you...but i can't remember..."  he looks at the man up and down.

"You won''s probably the only time you will see me"  Y/N looks confused and perplexed at what is unfolding. He quickly hugs hum as tears fall down his cheek as his father holds him.

"How...where are should i dead...are we dead" he backs away looking at his surroundings. "No don't worry...that's just me...your still alive but barely..." they both start walking thru the snow.

"How am i seeing you..." Y/N asks following his father as they walk the snow starts to fade as the forest start the shine thru as the sun is exposed..

"You shouldn't worry about that...i need to talk to....and this is the only time i can..." he then looks back at him as they walk the a shallow river."What is it..." Y/N asks as he jumps over the stones in the river.

"Your...different from our family...i mean we are...our family is known for our...ability" he walks up the hill as he stands looking over the forest.

"Yeah i know that..." helooks confused as he stands next to his father. "I was a chieftain...but i wasn't a ordinary one...when i was younger my mother...while giving birth...we where attacked..." he looks down at the floor and back at Y/N.

"It was...a group...filled with Vampires...i don't remember the name but they were feared...we tried to fend them off but...when they found your grandmother...they almost killed her everyone had a bite of her..." he look back at the forest.

"When she finally gave birth...while near death...and near transformation into..." he stops as he looks at his son. "A vampire...does that mean you are one..." he looks up at his father as he tries to answer.

"Sort considered to them...something from the depths of hell...yet i was a our family" he looks down.

"I met your mother and we...fell in love we made you...we didn't think it could were something special...something we couldn't handle..." he look at him as he smiles.

"They found us...we had to leave and they're still in search for you...but they found me...and youan figure out what happened..." he yhen looks at the river at the bottom of the hill.

"Your starting to reach your peak your finally becoming what you have to be to protect yourself..." he turn to him and puts his hands on his sons shoulders.

"Im...a vampire...and a werewolf..." he stutters trying to comprehend. "Yes...our time is almost up" he looks up the sky as it starts to become dark as Y/N falls to a knee.

"It's them what you can do...protect her...and them" he grabs his son and holds him up.

He then throws him off the hill as right before her hits the ground he wakes up as he is laying on the ground and looks at his injuries and looks around.

"I can see in the's so clear" Y/N looks at his injuries as it is fully healed. He then smells bloid leak as he focuses where it comes from.

He can hear fighting and screaming from the house as he starts running at a fast pace he jumps great distance and runs at immense speeds.

He looks around as he starts to run on all fours as he transform but he feels heavier and bigger as he shrugs it ofd as he runs forward.


The family is standing infront of the pack as Edward speak. "Where out numbered..." he says as they hear rushling and big foot steps from afar as they hear a howl.

Alice then smiles as she has heard that befor. "He's back..." Edward turns confused as they hear a branch crack as the wolves turn around in horror.

The growl of the wolf can be heard as he looks at the pack and then turns smaller into his normal sized wolf as he breathes out

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The growl of the wolf can be heard as he looks at the pack and then turns smaller into his normal sized wolf as he breathes out.


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