Chapter 7

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Hey sorry I haven't written in ages! Anyways here we go


*Stella's POV*

I sat there stunned wondering what on earth had just happened. Did we have a moment or was my mind just playing tricks on me? I finally decided that he was just playing me and making me angry. I had better things to worry about like how I could barely think with all the background noise that was supposedly "reading minds". I brushed it off, got up, and taking one last look at the beautiful piano walked out of the room.

Alec sat in the middle of the library with Jane at his side reading as if they'd both been there the entire time. I would've believed that he was if I didn't still feel where his lips had been on my hand. Jane saw me and glared whereas Alec didn't even look up.

"Hey,"I said.

Alec looked up after a few seconds and said, "Masters want you." before pointing towards a door and looking back down at his book.

"That's it?"

"What?"He asked looking up from his book again.

"Hmm I don't know. What happened about five minutes ago?"I asked starting to get angry.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I've been here reading my book this entire night."He said keeping his expression blank.

"What's your problem?"

"I don't have a problem. You however need to go talk to the masters and let me read my book."

"Fine."I said walking away. I heard Jane whisper something to him too low for me to hear.

I found the room Alec pointed to and went inside. The room was the size of a closet and there was a tall bulky minor guard member with blond hair and a blank expression standing in front of a ladder that went further underground. He nodded me forward. "Hello."I said. He just look at me confused.

"How are you?"I asked.

"Fine."He said after studying me for a moment.

"Whats wrong?"I asked confused.

"It's just the more powerful members of the guard don't really talk to the minor members like me."He answered.

"Oh well my names Stella."I said reaching out my hand to shake.

"Daniel."He said shaking my hand hesitantly.

"Well have a nice night."I said as he stepped out of the way for me to climb down.

"You too."

I figured I wouldn't get hurt so I just jumped instead of climbing down. I hit the ground after a few seconds. In front of me was another library almost as big as the one upstairs. The shelves were lined with what looked almost like text books but more advanced than school would ever offer and a few minor guards stood around guarding and looking bored.

"They're in the back." One girl said to me.

"Thanks." I said walking towards the back.

Aro, Caius, and Marcus were sitting on one side of a long desk with guards standing on either side of them.

"Please sit."Aro said motioning to the chair across from them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2013 ⏰

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