Chapter 5

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ok a few things before I start the chapter. 1.I'm writing this because I have a test or quiz in 6 out of 7 of my classes tomorow(great planning teachers) so ill be writing a sentence or so every few minutes of studying so I don't stress out. 2.oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh you get to find out what they were talking about and I honestly don't know how your going to react. If I were reading a fanfiction and this happened idk how id react. It may not seem like it at the time but its necessary. I'm also sorry if you don't like the chapter. please don't hate me. ok here's chapter 5 enjoy.


Chelsea reminded me of Andrea so much I probably would've started crying if I could've. I'd lost so much recently. My parents, my old house, all my old friends, and now Andrea my very best friend. She knew me better than anyone.

"Are you ok?"Alec asked trying to figure out why I was sad.

"It's nothing. Really I'm fine."I said.

"Come on you can tell me."He said staring into my eyes.

"It's just Chelsea reminds me of my best friend whose dead as of a few days ago."

He didn't say anything he just stared at me and pulled me into a hugged. I stiffined then hugged him back.

"What was that for?"I asked after he pulled away.

"You just looked like you could use a hug."He said shrugging.

"Oh um thanks."

"Now come on Aro wants to see if you can tell if a human would have a power and what it is."He said starting to walk forward.

"And if the person doesn't?"I asked.

"This human will. We just cant figure it out so we need you."

I followed him down to the throne room. When we walked in and I saw everyone in here surrounding a girl with long blonde hair. I could smell her blood and my throat burned. I couldn't see her face because her back was to me. She turned around. I gasped. Andrea. I ran to her and hugged her.

"Who are you? Get off me!"She said trying to pry my arms off her.

I let go and took a step back.

"Y-you don't recognize me."

She studied my face trying to recognize me.

"Stella?"She asked.

I nodded as a huge smile spread across my face.

She tackled me and I hugged her tight.

"Vampire. Strength. Crushing. Me."She managed to gasp.

I let go.

"Sorry."I said sheepishly.

I was suddenly filled with rage. I spun around and faced Alec.

"You!"I growled.

"What?!"He asked confused.

"You just heard me all depressed that my best friend was dead and you didn't have the courtesy to tell me any different!"

I heard Felix chuckle. I saw Jane glare at me like she wanted to use her power. I gave her a look that said don't even.

"Hey let me explain."He said backing up with his hands raised like I was a cop.

"Explain. Now."

Aro stepped between us.

"Peace Stella. I told Alec not to tell you until you got down here for yourself."

I breathed in calming myself.

"Ok I'm sorry it wasn't your fault."I said to Alec.

"So can you tell what Andreas power is?"Marcus asked.

I turned to Andrea and she seemed to be trying to hold back laughter. Knowing her it was probably at the fact I almost ripped Alecs head off.

"I don't have to use my power to know its persuasion. She can get anyone to do anything."I said smirking at her.

"Use your power to make sure."Caius said.

I closed my eyes and concentrated. It took a few seconds but finally I got it. I don't know how to describe it. When I can tell someones power it comes to me its like remembering something you forgot years ago.

"Mind control. She has to speak to use it."I answered.

"Excellent. We've gained three amazing powers all in one day."Aro said smiling.

"Stella."Andrea said.

"Yes?"I asked.

"I missed you! Do you have a boyfriend? You're bound to have one. Look at you. They're all cute."She said looking at the boys.

I looked around and saw most of the guys looking like they felt uncomfortable. Felix looked amused and winked at me.

"Andrea!"I said laughing.

"Its true."She said. I shot her a look.

"Ok ok we can talk about this later."

"Good. Aro when's Andrea becoming a vampire?"I asked.

"I think we'll arrange for today now that we know her power. Lets have...Demetri. Demetri why don't you take Andrea and prepare things."He said.

"Yes master."Demetri said motioning for Andrea to come with him.

She shot me one last look as if to say,"Alright here goes nothing."


so ya if you hated it don't worry I'm thinking of making it up to you and posting another chapter tonight also. Andreas back. Yay? Nay? Thoughts please! Ive decided I hate it when authors bring people you thought were dead back like this but I promise it'll all work out. On the bright side if you hate her she wont be in the next few chapters. I also feel like a few of you are probably like "Where's the Alec/Stella romance the most they've done is hug?" I'm getting to that. I don't want it to be an instant "OMG I LOVE YOU!" because remember they both are either skeptical of love or don't believe in it.

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