Chapter 3

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The burning continued for what seemed like ages. I tried to control myself but I couldn't help screaming and thrashing. Eventually it started to go away though.

I heard Alec ask Aro in a pained voice,"How much longer?"

"Soon only about an hour."Aro answered.

I wondered why Alec cared when my pain would be over so I just assumed he was asking about something else.

The pain finally left completely and I was over come with everyone talking at once so I slowly opened my eyes. I looked around and everything was so much clearer and more beautiful. I was lost in my own little world until I saw the rest of the volturi watching me and realized they weren't even talking. That made no sense because I could still hear them.

Alec was at my side in an instant.

"You look confused?"He said.

"None of you are talking..."I answered.

"What?"He asked.

"I hear all of you. Its hard to make out with it all at once but I can definetly hear you."

"Stella I think we know your power."He said after a moment.

Aro let out a delighted laugh and clasped his hands together.

"Marvelous."Aro said smiling.

"Wait I thought you'd be able to know peoples power because of how you knew I was the one who cut of your senses. I never guessed mind reading."Alec said.

"Stella is this true?"Aro asked.

"Ya like I feel like he can track people."I said pointing at one of them who looked shocked.

"Very interesting..."Aro said. He reached out his hand to read my mind and I took it. After a few moments his face grew into a smile so wider than anyone ive ever seen.

"You know what this means don't you Aro."Said one of the leaders with blond hair.

"I believe I do Caius."Aro said his smile growing even wider.

"What does it mean?"I asked.

"Everyone throne room now. I'll explain there."Aro said.

As everyone was leaving I turned to Alec.

"Do you know?"I asked him.

"I haven't the slightest clue."He answered his brow furrowed in trying to figure it out.

We walked into the throne room and I let out a deep breath.

"I know your all probably wondering what's going on,"Aro said,"I believe Stella is a rare find. It's extremely rare but some vampires posses more than one power and those vampires are always very very powerful. Stella has two powers we know of so far but who knows if she'll have more. She is going to be a great asset to us."

I looked around and everyone accept Aro, Caius, and another leader looked shocked and surprised.

I put my hand to my throat suddenly aware of the thirst. It was like id never drank a drop of water my entire life.

"Ah yes you must be incredibly thirsty don't worry Heidi will be here very soon."Aro said to me.

The thought of doing to somebody what was almost done to me only three days ago terrified me but all I did was nod like I was fine with it.

"In the meantime you don't know everyone so lets introduce you. Obviously you know who Alec, Jane, and I are but this is Caius, Suplicia, Athenodora, Demitri, Felix, Renata, Chelsea, Afton, Corin, and Santiago."

By the time he introduced everyone I could hear Heidi come in and give people a tour.

I could already smell the humans and all it was doing was making the burning worse.

Heidi led in two humans and Felix shut the doors tightly behind them. I could hear their heart beats pumping the delicious blood through their veins.

The humans were so in awe of the architecture that they didn't even notice us.

"Go on Stella."Alec whispered so the humans couldn't hear him.

I lunged at the nearest one purposely not looking at his face so I wouldn't hesitate the thirst was too strong for me to be humane. He didn't even relize I what was happening until I was on top of him. My teeth sunk into his neck and he was drained in a matter of seconds. It was the most delicious thing id ever tasted. I tried thinking of even one food that was even close to how delicious it was but I came up blank.

I looked up at the other man who was trying to open the doors. He too was drained in a matter of seconds.

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