Chapter 2

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The city was beautiful I couldn't help but gawk at everything.

She led us into a castle and started pointing out significant thing.

We were just about done when she led us to one final room. The throne room.

"Ah welcome welcome,"Someone from inside practically sang.

As soon as we entered the doors shut tight.

"Welcome to your death"The male in the middle said finishing his sentence.

All of a sudden complete chaos errupted. The strange people with the pale skin and crimson eyess lunged at their targets in speeds faster than I could see. All of a sudden my body was on fire and i collapsed writhing on the ground it was the worst pain I could've ever imagined.

"Please! Please!"I pleaded begging it to stop.

I tried to look around and could tell the pain was coming from a small girl around my age.

After what seemed like ages I could feel anything I also couldn't use any of my other senses. Then the numbness stopped and my senses were restored.

"Jane?"Said a male with long dark hair.

"Yes master?"She asked.

"Bring that girl over I sense something about her."He said pointing to me.

She pulled me up and dragged me over.

The man looked strange he looked like he was in his mid thirties early fourtys but his skin looked papery and old. I got a strange sense that he was good at reading people like me. He held out his hand and I stared at it.

"Hold out your hand"Hissed Jane.

I hesitated then held out my hand. He took it in his then got the look on his face I do when reading people.

"Excellent."He said letting go of my hand.

"M-may I ask what's g-going on?"I asked scared.

"Don't be scared little one. My name is Aro. As you can probably tell were vampires a few of us have powers ,but I think you know that, and you seem like you'd be a wonderful addition."

My eyes grew wide with fear.

"Is there any other option?"I asked.

"I'm afraid not Stella you seem to have a power and we don't want that to go to waste. Now how old are you?"


"Ah perfect Alec and Jane's age when they were turned. That being so I'll have Alec show you your room you're probably a bit overwhelmed right now."

The boy who walked up was by far the most gorgeous boy ive ever seen in my life I thought about how Andrea would be trying to set us up. He motioned for me to come with him and I followed. Somehow could tell he was the one who made me numb.

"Thanks for taking away the pain."I said once we were out of the room.

He stopped and turned to me,"How did you know that was me?"

"I don't know I can just tell."

"You're strange for a human."


He led me up a stair case and down a long hallway then stepped inside the biggest bedroom id ever seen.

He showed me around and told me the dresser had clothes that would fit me so I didn't need to worry about that.

"Hey Alec."I asked.

"Ya Stella?"

"When is the whole me turning into a vampire thing happening?"

"Aro wants me to change you as soon as your ready."

"Lets say I wasn't ready for like three years,"

"Not that long. When your ready in the next few hours."He chuckled.

"Does it hurt?"

"Like hell but it ends in three days."

"Worse than Jane's power?"


"If its alright with you id like to get it over with right now."

"You sure?"

"Ya before I change my mind and start stalling."

"Ok lay down on the bed."

I layed on the bed and balled my hands into fists and shut my eyes tight. He put his lips to my neck like he was going to kiss me and bit down. Warmth filled my body. It got hotter and hotter til I was burning. My eyes shot open and I started gasping in pain. All I could feel was fire coarsing through my veins. He was right it burned worse than anything in the world. He started mumbling comforting words but I couldn't pay attention to anything except the burning.

Two is better than one (Alec Volturi)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant