Chapter 6

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Hi sorry I haven't written in a while ive been pretty busy but I'm on break so i'll have more time! I know I promised two chapters that day but I fell asleep and never got around to it. I hope you guys like this chapter I'm kinda excited for it well ill let you start reading :)


"Now wasn't that exciting. The sun just went down you know what that means."Aro said.

Everyone started walking out of the room.

"What does that mean?" I asked Chelsea.

"Come on ill show you."She said. I followed her down a hallway the down a staircase into a room. It was a library that was bigger than any Barnes and noble ive ever seen. I breathed in the familiar scent of books I loved so much. In between shelves there were doors leading into other rooms.

"What are those doors leading to?"I asked.

"Well this is the library. That's the music room, art room, etc."She said pointing to different rooms.


"They don't call us the night time patrons of the arts for nothing." She said laughing.

"So we get to do this all night every night?"I asked full of joy.

"Yes! Well I'm off to sculpt."She dashed toward the art room.

I walked into the music room hesitantly. It was just as big as the library and filled with every type of instrument you could imagine. I walked over to a glossy black baby grand and lost it. If I could cry id have started sobbing. I hadn't played since my parents died. I had to many memories associated with piano and them.

I sat down and after a deep breathe I tied my hair back and immersed myself in playing.

*Alecs POV*

I got down stairs and heard a beautiful sound. Someone was in the music room. I was one of the only people who used the music room everyone liked to give me space getting my emotions out on my guitars. The song was tragic but somehow beautiful. I opened the door and slowly walked to the piano section. Stella's back was to me. Her fingers moved effortlessly and I could see how into it she was without even seeing her face. When the song ended I found myself clapping. She jumped up and spun around shocked.

"How long were you there?"She asked.

"Never thought id be able to scare a vampire. Only about a minute." I said smirking.

"I know I wasn't that good but I just wasn't really thinking about it I was just playing."She defended herself.

"No that was amazing. What song was that?"

"I wrote it I haven't really given it a name."

I nodded,"Not many people write their own music nowadays. When did you write that?"

"Just now."She said sheepishly.

My jaw dropped. Id been playing for centuries and that was the only reason I could do that but there was no way she'd been playing for more than ten years if not less.

"No way!"I said still unable to believe it.

She looked like she would've been redder than a tomato if she could blush.

"Do you play any instruments?"She asked.

"No I just came in here to stare at you," I rolled my eyes," I play everything in here but my favorite instrument to play is the guitar. I know pretty clichè right."

"No guitars are fine. I tried learning but its just not my thing."She said.

"I understand that. How'd you start playing?" I asked.

She looked down at the piano and tried to hide the pain that was on her face. "Great job hurting her Alec."I thought.

"Hey its ok you don't have to tell me."I said putting a hand on her shoulder.

She took a deep breathe and looked up at me,"No it's fine. Um my parents loved music more than anyone and when I was four they introduced me to the piano and I knew I loved it from the start. Can you play me something on guitar?"

"Sure, Aurelie or Laurel?"I asked moving to my guitars.

"Who?"She asked confused.

"I um name my guitars. Acoustic or electric?"

"Ya I named my piano back at home. Whichever."

"Acoustic it is then. Any song preference?"I asked picking up Aurelie my customized acoustic.

"She's a beautiful guitar. No I'm fine with whatever you want to play." She

"Not much preference when it comes to guitar I see."I smirked at her.

"Just play the song."

I made sure Aurelie was in tune then started playing. My fingers moved effortlessly since I played this song so often. I glanced up at her and saw a look of awe on her face before looking down again.

"Whoah. That was better then ive ever heard anyone. You smirk a lot."

"Thanks and I know I smirk a lot. You wanna play me something?"

"I already did."

"Ya but I only heard a tiny bit. Please? Ill be your best friend."I said putting on the puppy dog face not many people knew I had.

"Ugh fine just don't look at me like that and you have to play too so I don't feel awkward."

"Fine what song?"

"Let me think of something with both guitar and piano."

"Oh no that'll be so hard considering those are the two rarest instruments!"I said sarcastically.

"Shut up. Do you know two is better than one by boys like girls and Taylor swift?"

"Yup. Can you sing?"

"Ya. You?"

"Yes. The song sounds better when people sing along then when its just instrumentals."

We started playing and singing. I hadn't relized we'd started moving closer to each other. Until the song finnished and I was right next to her on the piano bench. She didn't seem like she relized either. She was beautiful. I lifted her hand kissed it and got up and started walking out. I looked back to see her stunned and I winked at her before leaving the room. That was my terrible attempt at being mysterious.


So Alecs POV. did you like it? I liked writing him kinda cocky. I don't know. Feedback please. The song Alec played was the instrumentals to such great heights by iron & wine(I know its the same song as the postal service one but I like the instrumentals on this better) I know its not very difficult to play I just think its really pretty! Id put a link in the side but it wont work cause I'm on mobile youtube

Two is better than one (Alec Volturi)Where stories live. Discover now