Chapter 4

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Considering how amazing it tasted I was disgusted with myself but I tried not to show it on my face. How could I had just killed two innocent humans lives especially in the way my life was almost taken. The thirst was gone but not the guilt.

"Can I have a few minutes to let this whole vampire thing sink in?"I asked.

"Of course."Aro said and everyone went their separate ways.

"Alec can I talk to you for a moment?"Aro asked right as I was out the door."

"Yes master."He said.

I walked into the bathroom of my room just because I hadn't seen myself and I wanted to see if I atleast looked similar to how I had as a human.

I looked into the mirror and gasped at what I saw. My skin was snow white any trace of a tan I had before was gone, my cheeks had lost the familiar blush I had my entire life, my lashes were longer and had more volume, my eyes were a shocking crimson but I had been expecting that, my hair was a bit darker and down to my waist, the only things I could find that stayed exactly the same was my nose(minus the snow white) and my lips.

I heard someone approaching and I tensed. I knew there was no danger I just wanted to know who it was.

"Boo!"Someone said behind me.

I turned to see Chelsea a small girl who could strengthen or weaken relationship ties between people.

"Ahh!"I said laughing.

"I came to say hi and properly introduce myself. I'm Chelsea but you already knew that."She said smiling.

"And I'm Stella but you already knew that."

"How do you like being a vampire so far? I'm glad the transformations over we couldn't stand how hard it was for Alec."

"What was hard for Alec?"

"You writhing around and screaming."

"I'm sorry my pain was hurting him,"I said sarcastically,"Anyways why would he care?"

"Honey he likes you."

"Ya right. No he doesn't."

"Ok whatever you say."

I laughed. She reminded me so much of Andrea. I couldn't help but get sad at the thought.

"What's wrong?"She asked

"Its nothing you just remind me of my best friend."

"Don't worry shes probably at home doing something fun."

"Actually she was the one that wanted to go on Heidi's tour."

"Oh I'm sorry!"

"S'okay. Its not your fault."

"I know but that must suck."

"Its ok I haven't really had much time to think about it."

"I just had a great idea!"She exclaimed.

"What is it?"

"We should do something fun later to welcome you to our coven! That is if Aro doesn't keep you inside training."

"Ya sure. What do you have in mind?"

She was about to respond when Alec walked in.

"Am I interrupting?"He asked.

"No its fine we'll talk later. Bye Stella!"Chelsea said walking away cheerfully.


sorry if this chapter wasn't that great I just wanted to introduce Chelsea. What do you think of her? Hate her? Love her? Too cheerful? Shes one of my favorites to write in this story and is inspired by the same friend that inspired the bit of Andrea you got to see. Also what do you think Alec and Aro were talking about? hint: its not what you're going to expect

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