Forgive me

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It took a few minutes before she reached the lake. She brought the horse to a halt and began to look around.

"Jennie!" Lisa yelled, "Jennie!"

However with the wind blowing so hard, she could barely be heard.

Just as Lisa was about to turn her horse around something caught her eye, huddled into the big tree by the lake was a small figure. She didn't hesitate for a second, Lisa got off her horse and sprinted to the tree, it wasn't far.

"Jennie!" Lisa exclaimed.

There Jennie laid, huddled up against the tree, she was drenched, her eyes were closed and she was shivering uncontrollably.

"Jennie," Lisa whispered as she knelt down next her, "Fuck, I'm so sorry."

Lisa wrapped her arms around her and kissed her forehead.

"Please be okay," Lisa muttered.

"Lisa?" A small whisper came from Jennie.

"It's okay, I got you now," Lisa said, "I got you now."

"Just tell me what you need dear," Carole said worriedly.

"I need more towels and more blankets," Lisa said.

Lisa had managed to bring Jennie back to the main house and carry her to their room. She quickly prepared a warm bath for Jennie who was still semi unconscious, she was in and out of every now and then.

"Burt the heater was fixed right?" Lisa asked.

"I'll go turn it up as high as it goes," He said.

Nancy stood there watching as Santana began to undress Jennie.

"Nancy I need you to call a doctor, Let him know it's an emergency and have Taehyung go get him as soon as possible," Lisa instructed.

"Why would she stay outside when a storm hits?" Nancy scoffed.

"Get me a fucking doctor!" Lisa hissed at her.

Nancy huffed and left the room, leaving Jennie and Lisa alone.

"Please be okay," Lisa whispered to Jennie, "Please be okay.

Moments later Carole returned with all of Lisa's requested. With the help of Carole, Lisa managed to strip Jennie from her wet clothes, shower her and get her dress into warm clothes. Carole also made Lisa do the same.

Thankfully, not long after that the doctor arrived. He gave Jennie a full checkup. She was out by the time he got there though.

"She'll be fine," The doctor said, "I gave her a shot to prevent her from getting a severe cold and fever. She just needs to stay warm and needs lots of rest."

"Thank you doctor," Lisa muttered.

"I'll walk you out," Carole suggested.

Carole bid good night to Lisa before closing the door and walking out with the doctor.

Lisa quickly went over to the bed and got on. She placed Jennie in her arms as she kissed her forehead.

"Please forgive me baby," Lisa said sadly, "This is my fault."

--how are you feeling about this readers?

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