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"The baby shower is coming together so perfectly," Mrs. Kim gushed, "Rosé really out did herself with this, all the Kim's should be there."

"Sounds fun," Jennie muttered.

"Will Lisa be there?" Mr. Kim asked, "We haven't seen her since the wedding, and she never comes here to visit us when you do…Is something going on with you guys?"

"No," Jennie said a little too quickly.

"Then?" Mr. Kim urged.

"Well Lisa works a lot, she's very busy. She works both at the Estate and Company," Jennie explained.

"She shouldn't work too much," Mr. Kim said, "She should try to be home as much as possible to be with you."

"Daddy she spends enough with me," Jennie said.

Okay so maybe that was a lie, it had been a few days since the fight and Jennie hadn't even seen Lisa once. Jennie spent most of her time in the stables with the horses, or here at her parent's house. She was pretty sure Lisa was avoiding her because one would think that they might bump into each other in the stables since Lisa worked at the Estate too, but that wasn't the case.

"Besides you'll see her at the baby shower," Jennie said with a fake smile.

"Speaking of, when are you two gonna give me a grandchild?" Mr. Kim asked, "I'm getting older by the day and with this sickness time is something I don't have."

"Hon, don't say that," Mrs. Kim scolded him.

"Well it's true," Mr. Kim shrugged, "I want you to have a little boy."

Jennie chuckled, "Daddy I don't think it works that way."

"You two better have kids soon enough," Mr. Kim smiled.

"Oh Hon she's still quite young for that," Mrs. Kim chuckled, "Just be patient."

Mr. Kim scoffed, "Honey that's another thing I don't have."

"I think it will be a while before we even think about kids," Jennie said.

"You tell Lisa to come talk to me," Mr. Kim chuckled, "You'll have kids soon. Now if you excuse me sweetie I have to go take my medicine."

"I'll come with you," Mrs. Kim tried.

"Nonsense, stay here with Jennie," Mr. Kim insisted.

Jennie was about to protest but stopped when she felt Mrs. Kim tug at her elbow. Jennie watched as her father made his way out of the living room. He looked a bit tired in Jennie's opinion.

"How is he doing?" Jennie asked her mom.

"He's getting by," Mrs. Kim sighs, "I mean the new doctor Lisa got him has definitely helped him improve but he's still not better."

"The cancer hasn't spread has it?" Jennie asked.

Mrs. Kim took a deep breathe but didn't answer.

"Mom!" Jennie pressed.

"Oh of course not honey," Mrs. Kim said as she looked away, "He just worries me you know."

"Perhaps we could take him to see several doctors?" Jennie suggested, "I could ask Lisa."

Mrs. Kim sighed, "We'll have to talk to your father, you know how much he dislikes hospitals."

"Just let me know okay," Jennie said, "I really want to help him, that's why I got married in the first place."

Mrs. Kim gave her a pointed look, "Keep your voice down dear. Your father might hear and God knows what will happen if he finds out."

Jennie let out a sigh, "I better get going. I have a few things I have to take care of."

"Well alright," Mrs. Kim nodded, "I will see both you and your wife on Saturday?"

"She will be there," Jennie confirmed.

"Good because not only your father would like to get to know her but I would like to as well," Mrs. Kim said.

Jennie nodded and bit her tongue, daring to ask.

"Mom…was my Uncle John…bad with Lisa?" Jennie asked.

Mrs. Kim frowned, "Well…I don't really know sweetie. Of course John had quite the temper and that's what he was known for, but you have to remember that we rarely saw Lisa with him."

"So he would never like hit somebody right?" Jennie pressed.

"I don't think so," Mrs. Kim said deep in thought, "Though if anything you should ask your father about John, because he knew him better than anyone, like the back of his hand…Why do you ask?"

Jennie shrugged, "No reason."

--Any thoughts readers?

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