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Jennie arrived rather early than usual at the house; usually she would arrive during night time. But today she had to talk to Lisa about her father and the event on Saturday. They weren't exactly on speaking terms as of now; obviously they had different views on John. Jennie knew she had crossed the line when she called Lisa a liar but Lisa was no Saint either.

Jennie made her way towards the kitchen to get a snack. She was surprised to find Carole unpacking groceries as well as big amount of Robitussin, but that wasn't it, there was so much food and decorations?

"That's a lot of medicine," Jennie commented.

Carole chuckled, "Yes it is, but that's just because several workers are a bit sick, just a small cold they got."

Jennie swallowed, "Is it because of the night I went missing?"

"Oh don't feel bad hon," Carole shrugged off, "They were happy to help Lisa find you, she was really worried you know."

Jennie nodded, "Where is Lisa right now?"

"Probably in her study with Diana," Carole said, "They just went in a few moments ago. I think they're planning the party for this Saturday."

Jennie grabbed and apple and a napkin, "This Saturday? But Lisa and I made plans, what is this party she's organizing?"

"Oh well every year Lisa organizes a party or dance for the workers here at the Estate. They usual do it on the east of the Estate. It's a really big event."

"I should probably go talk to her," Jennie said quickly.

"Could you do me a favor and give the medicine to Lisa?" Carole asked as she held out the bottle of Robitussin, "You have to remind Lisa constantly or else she won't take care of herself."

"Lisa is sick?"

Carol laughed, "How haven't you noticed? She's like a walking cold."

Jennie gave her fake smile, "Right."

Jennie was about to make her way out of the kitchen but stopped herself and turned back to Carole.

"Carole, could I ask you something?" Jennie asked softly.


"It's something kind of personal," Jennie said softly.

"What is it honey?" Carole asked.

"The scars on Lisa's back...did Uncle John do those?"

Carole completely froze, her mouth opened but nothing came out. Jennie bit her lip wondering if she had overstepped the line.

Carole took a deep breathe, "You would be surprised at the way John treated Lisa...I saw the way he treated you whenever you came to the Estate, and I wonder why he couldn't ever treat her like that."

Jennie could swear she almost saw tears in Carole's eyes.

"One thing I will never forget is the look in Lisa's eyes when her mother and I were cleaning her back," Carole said lost in thought, "She was crying so much...John came into the room and you know what he said to her?...He told her to man up...didn't even ask how she was once."

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