Chapter 4

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Freen's phone jolted her awake from a restless sleep, her heart racing as she fumbled for the device before Love could stir. With a quick glance at her daughter, she slipped out of bed and answered the call.

"Who is it?" Freen’s voice was groggy with sleep.

"Freen, it’s Davis," a voice said from the other end of the line.

Freen cleared her throat, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. "Is there a problem?" she inquired, her voice tinged with concern.

"Freen, I need you here. Mom needs you," Davis implored urgently.

Before Freen could respond, Davis continued. "Mom wants to see you, and Love too. Can you please come back here?" he pleaded.

Freen’s heart clenched with a mix of emotions. "Okay, Davis. We'll be there this weekend," she promised, her voice determined despite the uncertainty.

"Thanks, Freen, for keeping up your promise," Davis said before disconnecting the call.

Taking a deep breath, Freen called Nam, knowing she needed her friend’s support now more than ever.

"Yes, Freen. Why are you calling so early?" Nam answered, concern evident in her voice.

"Davis called," Freen said simply, her voice heavy with emotion.

"What happened to mom?" Nam’s question cut through the tension.

"I don’t know. She wants to meet Love," Freen replied, her voice trembling slightly.

"But, Freen," Nam began, her worry palpable.

"I don’t know what will happen, Nam. But I need to be there. You know I promised him that whenever he called, I would be there. I don’t want to feel guilty again because of a broken promise. I've already lost my happiness once because of it," Freen explained, her voice filled with resolve.

"Okay, Freen. I’ll be with you. I'll plan to leave Thailand," Nam assured her before ending the call.

Freen moved to Love’s side, her heart heavy with uncertainty but buoyed by the warmth of her daughter’s hand in hers.

"Love, I don’t know what will happen in our life, but please don’t leave me. I need you," Freen whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to Love’s hand, her eyes filled with a mixture of fear and determination.

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