Chapter 22

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After a long time, Nam, Love, and Brownie returned to the cottage. Nam asked Love how she met the doctor, and Love explained how Brownie ran off and Becky helped her. Nam shot a stern look at Brownie. At dinner, Freen noticed the silence between Love and Nam. Brownie lay quietly on the floor.

"What happened? Why are you both so quiet?" Freen asked, looking from Love to Nam.

"Nothing, Freen," Nam replied, continuing to eat.

"Princess? What happened?" Freen questioned Love.

"Dada, I need to ask you something. I'm afraid you'll yell at me," Love said with her puppy eyes.

"Why would I do that?" Freen asked.

Nam glanced at Love, then quickly took a drink of water.

"Because Nam told me you'd be angry," Love said, looking at Nam.

Nam choked on her water and looked at Freen, wide-eyed.

"You can ask me anything, my princess," Freen said gently, shaking Love's head with her hand.

"Dada, do I have a mom?" Love asked, looking up at Freen.

Freen looked at Love with a confused expression.

"Like Kelly? Do I have two moms?" Love clarified.

"Who told you this?" Freen asked, her eyes darting to Nam. Nam shook her head, indicating it wasn't her.

"Davis," Love replied.

"Princess, just forget what happened in Thailand and finish your dinner. You need to take your tablets," Freen said, trying to change the subject.

"Dada, you said you would tell me," Love insisted, stopping her eating and looking at Freen.

"Love, try to understand. You don't need to know all this stuff," Freen said, raising her voice a little. "Now, eat your dinner, and we'll go out tomorrow."

"I don't want to eat, and I'm not going anywhere," Love said, pushing her plate away.

"Love, stop being rude. If you're not going to eat, fine. I'm going," Freen said, getting up from the chair.

Love went to her room, tears streaming down her face, with Brownie following closely behind.

"Brownie, why can't I ask Dada about my mom? Is it that bad? I'm seven years old, and I can understand everything. I know how to get an answer from her," Love said, taking Brownie with her as she left the house.

Nam went to find Freen after seeing Love leave the dining area.

"Freen, you were rude!" Nam said.

"I was not," Freen replied, looking at her phone.

"She has every right to know about her mom," Nam insisted.

"Why does she need to know about her? It's just me and her. Where does she come in?" Freen shouted.

"It's all because of that Davis," Freen shouted again.

"Stop yelling at him. You can't keep this secret forever. Go and calm her down. She needs to take her tablets," Nam said, handing the tablets to Freen.

"So she left crying?" Freen asked with a sad look.

"Yes, she's just like you, stubborn," Nam replied.

"Okay, I'll go to her," Freen said, heading to Love's room. After a moment, Freen was shocked to see Love was missing.

"Nam!" Freen shouted.

"What happened?" Nam asked, rushing over.

"Where is Love?" Freen asked urgently.

"She must be in her room," Nam said, opening the door only to find it empty.

"Maybe she's downstairs," Nam suggested, but after searching the cottage, Love was nowhere to be found.

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