Chapter 48

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"Nam, is everything ready?" Freen asked as she came down the stairs, her voice filled with urgency.

"Yes, Freen. The tickets are booked. We have a flight tomorrow night," Nam replied calmly.

"But why tomorrow?" Freen hesitated before brushing it off. "It's okay."

"Where's Love?" Freen looked around the living room, growing more anxious by the second.

"I checked on her this morning. She was still sleeping. She stayed up really late last night, so I didn't want to wake her," Nam explained.

"Alright, I'll go check on her," Freen said as she made her way to Love's room.

As soon as Freen opened the door, Brownie, their small dog, started barking frantically. Freen tried to calm the dog, but Brownie wouldn't stop, his barking growing louder and more insistent. Freen's heart skipped a beat. Something felt off.

She rushed over to Love's bed, her little body unmoving. Freen's hands trembled as she touched Love's skin—cold, unnervingly cold. Panic surged through her as she gently shook Love, her voice shaking.

"Princess, wake up! Love, wake up!" Freen cried out, her voice desperate.

Nam entered the room quickly, seeing Freen holding Love in her lap, her face pale with fear. "What's happening, Freen?" Nam asked, her voice filled with concern.

"I don't know, Nam! She won't open her eyes, and her body feels so cold!" Freen's voice cracked, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Freen, try to stay calm," Nam said, though her own hands were shaking as she tried to wake Love. But Love's little body remained still, her skin growing colder by the minute.

Nam immediately grabbed her phone and called Richee.

"Yes, Phi?" Richee answered, sensing the tension in Nam's voice.

"Richee, where is Becky?" Nam's voice was thick with worry.

"Why, Phi? Is everything alright?" Richee's voice wavered, panic rising.

"Love isn't waking up. Her body is cold, and we're scared. Can you get Becky? Please, we need her now," Nam pleaded.

"I'll be there in 10 minutes!" Richee responded, his voice tight with fear. He rushed to the restaurant, where Becky and Irin were sitting.

Irin noticed Richee's heavy breathing and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Is everything okay?" Becky asked, her eyes wide with worry.

"Princess, we need to go,Love is not waking up" Richee said softly but urgently.

Without a word, Becky grabbed her things and rushed out with Richee. Her mind raced, a deep pit of dread forming in her chest.

Back at the house, Nam had already called the doctor, but Freen was still beside herself, cradling Love's little body. Love's eyes fluttered open for just a second, her voice barely a whisper.

"Dada..." Love tried to speak but quickly lost consciousness again. Freen's heart shattered, and she held Love tighter.

Suddenly, Brownie barked loudly, running toward the door. Freen looked up, startled, and saw Becky, Irin, and Richee standing in the doorway.

The room was silent for a moment, the air thick with fear and uncertainty. Freen's tear-filled eyes locked with Becky's, and for the first time, they both shared the same desperation.

"Becky..." Freen whispered, her voice breaking. 



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