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"Lucky me. I get to hang out with a weirdo when I could be at home in my comfy bed. This better go well." Krista mumbled as she waited for Soul. She waited until 7:20 when she decided to start heading home.

"Wait up! Krista!" Soul yelled running to her. "Oh yay, he's coming... 20 minutes late." Krista thought as she stopped. "Hey I'm so sorry I'm a little late." Soul said breathing heavy. "A little late? I hate to break it to you but it's 7:30. To you 30 minutes may be just a little late but to me that's pretty late. I knew I shouldn't have agreed. Oh yeah, I didn't agree. You decided for me!" She said angrily. "Look princess I was busy." Soul said with sarcasm. "Princess? Excuse me but you have no right to call me princess. Who do you think you are? I am highly offended." Krista said folding her arms. "I shouldn't have talked to you today." Soul said putting his hands in his pockets and turning around. "What so we're not going to hang out now?! First you're late now this? Not a very good first impression!" Krista yelled to him as he walked away. Soul turned around fast and said, "No we're not going to hang out. You are crazy! I don't even know you and you're yelling at me. Hah and Maka called you nice. Goodbye Kristi." Soul said walking away again. "It's Krista!" She yelled pissed off. Krista started walking home.

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